
A Deeper Look Into Special Needs Parenting with Speech Therapist Celina Wright: Part 1

Special Needs Parenting with Speech Therapist Celina Wright

Ep 24: A Deeper Look Into Special Needs Parenting with Speech Therapist Celina Wright: Part 1

I’m grateful to have a very special guest on the show today. Her name is Celina Wright, and she is my daughter’s speech therapist. She is like a part of my extended family, as she has been one of our greatest supporters during our special needs journey. 

Celina is a child of God, mother, speech therapist and advocate for people. She was introduced to the world of special needs first as a mother and then as a professional. Her oldest son, Jacob, has forever changed the course of her life and her family’s life. She is indebted for his presence in her life which set into motion her growth as a mother and her passion as a speech therapist. 11 years later and she is still on fire for the field she works in. Helping families and students is a calling. She’s grateful for the spaces and relationships this calling has brought her to.

This episode is extra special because Ms. Celina shares her experiences as both a professional in the world of speech therapy, and also a mother of a special needs child.  We both dive into emotions we’ve experienced while parenting our special needs children, and how they constantly model important lessons of empathy, patience, and joy.

In this episode, Celina and I discuss:

  • The various stages of life that we go through as parents and professionals
  • The important relationship between a family and their therapist
  • Steps that parents should take when they feel their child needs to be evaluated 
  • Advice for parents who are looking for a trusted therapist/provider for their child

We plan to have Ms. Celina back on the show in 2021 for season two!

Connect with Celina:

Learn more about my special needs parenting journey:

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  • Check out last week’s episode all about how to stay mentally strong
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More about Mommy Diary: The Podcast

Mommy Diary: The Podcast is a space for women to tell their raw and honest stories of motherhood. Host, Angela Kim, is a creative, lifestyle blogger, and also a mom of four.

Feeling restricted by the squares of IG, Angela is on a mission to shed light on vulnerable topics such as postpartum depression, marriage struggles, self-care, healing and finding a balance between having a career and raising children. She’s been through it all, and this podcast is here to help you feel supported along your personal journey and see that you’re not alone.

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