
10 Things To Do As A Stay At Home Mom 

Things To Do As A Stay At Home Mom

Being a stay-at-home mom can be just as challenging as it is rewarding. Sometimes it can feel like you never have time to do anything for yourself or, especially, by yourself. Getting out of the house and doing something other than your usual household chores is a rare treat for many stay-at-home moms. That said, it’s soooo important to do something for yourself now and then, given how beneficial it is for your well-being!

So, today I’m sharing a roundup of things that stay-at-home moms can do for themselves while taking care of their families. Because being a mom is hard, and you deserve to take care of yourself and feel good!

Things To Do As A Stay At Home Mom

10 Things To Do As A Stay At Home Mom

Try A New Hobby

Sometimes a new hobby can be all you need to pass some time and have some time for yourself. Being a stay-at-home mom can be really beautiful, but it does have points of pure exhaustion. So, doing something for yourself is so important. 

As a mom, I love being able to spend all day with my kids and manage the household. But I know how important it is to do something I love. Like foral arrangement or photography for example. A hobby can give you a sense of identity, and if you’re good at it, you may even be able to make some money from it!

If you’re wondering what hobbies may be good for you, check out these hobbies for stay at home moms. There’s something for every mom on this list, and I know you’ll find something you truly love!

Listen To Podcasts

Personally, I love a good podcast. After a long day, I love sitting down and escaping reality for a small moment with a really good podcast. Even after a day of being with the kids, I like to listen to podcasts about parenthood to feel that I’m not alone in my struggles. I find that it brings me back down to earth. I just pop on a pair of good earphones and drift off to a world of my own.

Try New Recipes

New recipes can be a gamechanger. Sometimes I find that I spend so much time tending to the kids that I forget to eat myself. So, I always make sure that I allow myself to create a really tasty meal every now and again to really lift my spirit. 

I love experimenting with new ingredients, fun flavors, and things that the whole family can enjoy. In fact, I post all of my best recipes on my website so that you can enjoy them too! 

Get Out In Nature

I truly believe that nature heals. After being inside for way too long whether due to weather, sickness, or pure exhaustion when I take the leap and get out in nature, I feel so much better. Just sitting and ‘being’ can wash away a stressful and overwhelming day in no time.

I like to focus on the birds singing, the way the breeze blows through the trees, and how the air smells. Just recognizing and focusing on these things can seriously ground me and send me home feeling completely refreshed.

Try Out Yoga

This idea is so perfect, because you can do it at any point of the day. Alone, with kids, for five minutes when you have a break, and so on. Even when you have a little time to yourself, you can practice some yoga. 

Yoga has proven to be so good for mental health, and I personally use it to quieten my mind, build strength, and create awareness within my own body. In fact, it helped me overcome postpartum depression after my second little one. It can be done indoors or outdoors, and requires only a comfortable spot or yoga mat on the floor. 

Talk to Other Moms

It’s not weak to speak up, and if you need someone to talk to, your mom friends should be your go to. Speaking to other moms–even just your own–can make you feel like you’re not alone, and some beautiful conversations can come just from opening up!

Plan a playdate, brunch, or spa day. No matter the plan, you won’t regret the time spent!

Pick Up A Book

Reading is a super relaxing activity that can make you feel so much better. Like listening to a podcast, a good book can transport you to another world for a little while. It’s a great way to escape reality, broaden your perspective, and relax. Nothing makes me quite as content as picking up a book after a day with my littles!

If you’re interested in growing as a mother and parent, consider one of these parenting books from my Amazon Storefront! 

Things To Do As A Stay At Home Mom

Make Time To Exercise

Exercise is a very important part of staying mentally and physically fit. After all, we know just how beneficial exercise can be for mental health. More specifically, it can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and produce happy hormones that boost your mood!

Grab an adorable matching set ( top + bottoms ) and your water bottle, and do a quick at home workout. Or, if you can, hit the gym for some alone time. Trust me when I say: don’t skip this one, mamas! 

Start Journaling

Looking after yourself for once can really bring up some mom guilt. But, it is so important to remember that you are ALSO someone worth caring for. I really like my Five Minute Journal from Amazon. I think a lot of people assume journaling has to take a long time, but it doesn’t.

I like that in only five minutes, I can reflect on my day, break it down, and think about all of the things I love about my life. I think it is so important to have one of these journals to really think about all the things in life you’re thankful for!

Create A Self-Care Routine

A self-care routine in your daily life can make a huge difference. Obviously we’ve spoken about self-care for kids, but it can look a little different as a mom. Sometimes, you need to create a routine based on being able to do things around your children. 

At least once a day, I feed my skin with quality skin care, take some quiet time for myself, and allow for some movement in the form of exercise or yoga. A self-care routine can include getting enough sleep, drinking the recommended amount of water, eating healthy meals, and much more! Whatever it takes for you to feel like YOU! 

full time mom self care

You matter! Take some time to be YOU!

Being a happy parent is about so much more than creating healthy children. It is also about caring for yourself. When you allow yourself time to relax and care for your own well-being, it creates a much happier home!

For more tips on motherhood and a glimpse into my life as a mom of four, head over to my blog. I love helping people just like you survive and thrive through motherhood!

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