Parent or not, at some point or another, we all think about the future and what it may hold. We wonder what will happen, what will change or stay the same, and what various aspects of our lives will look like. For many of us, myself included, becoming a mom presented me with a whole new set of worries about the future. Being a mom is hard, and this is just one of the things that can make it feel harder.
After all, mothers often worry about their kids’ futures, what to prepare for the next meal, what activities to do to keep them entertained, and more. At the same time, we sometimes tend to dwell on the past, thinking about what could have been, what we should have done differently, etc.
Feeling distracted and constantly worrying about the past or future can take a toll on your overall health and well-being. Not to mention, it prevents you from being present in life. So, today I’m sharing tips on how to be a calm mom that is more present and living in the moment, both for ourselves and our kids.
How To Be More Present and Live in the Moment
Learning to be more present in your daily life can seriously change it for the better. It is something that allows you to fully dive in and immerse yourself in every moment. In turn, you can foster deeper connections, boost your mental health, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.
However, in our world now, social media and other distractions pull us away from important moments. These things pollute our memories and stop us from living in the moment. Technology provides a temptation of sorts that can make it very hard to keep your mind on one thing: staying present. By acknowledging this, you can prioritize presence, thus experiencing life more fully.
What Does It Mean To Be More Present and Fully Engaged?
Being present in the moment is all about consciously engaging with the current moment and what’s happening around you–without distractions from the past or worries from the future. It involves focusing your attention on what is happening right now. This could be as simple as a conversation, a meal, or a daily task.
It is also about being aware of your surroundings, emotions, bodily sensations, and more, allowing yourself to fully experience and process the happenings around you. When you’re able to stay in the present and remain fully engaged, you can find peace and live a more fulfilled life.

How To Be More Present: Let’s Live In The Moment
Focus On One Thing At A Time
Being aware of your thoughts is a very powerful thing. When you monotask, you focus on one thing at a time. In turn, this enhances your own thoughts and mindfulness. You’re more aware of your own thoughts, how you feel, and how you act towards daily situations.
By focusing on the thing most present at this point in time, you allow yourself to be present. To do this, you can prioritize tasks, set time limits for them, minimize any distractions, and practice mindfulness throughout the activity. I know it’s hard, but multitasking isn’t always the answer, mama!
Reduce Screen Time
Reducing screen time can help to minimize distractions, like social media, and enhance your presence in real life situations. Set boundaries by establishing locations and times where you can be on your phone, and locations and times where your phone is forbidden. During meals and bedtime are great times to put the phone down.
Just like most people, I’ve struggled to put the phone down sometimes, and I found that setting reminders/timers for breaks was really helpful. I also found some offline activities to fill my time, including yoga or reading a book.
Practice Deep Breathing Exercises
Incorporating deep breathing exercises into daily routines can help so much when it comes to living in the moment. Since stress is usually the cause of lack of presence, it’s good to have a technique that can bring you back to the moment. Deep breathing can do just that.
Sometimes, a 5-minute deep breathing routine, or even just a single deep breath, really can make a huge difference. Living in the moment is about being able to sit back, take a breath (or several), and realize that you’re never going to get the same moment twice. It is at that point that you realize just how important being present is.
Did you know that many mental health professionals around the world actually encourage journaling? Writing down your thoughts and feelings, daily movements, or anything on your mind is a great way to vent and clear your mind. Once you write something down, you can leave it in the past and focus on the present. It is a truly effective, cost-friendly, and helpful tip.
Spend More Time Outside
Living in the present is best done outside in nature. It is a great way to connect with the outside world and promote mindfulness. Let yourself become immersed in activities such as walking, hiking, birdwatching, or even gardening.
Try to leave your electronic devices behind and use them minimally to promote presence in your activities. Allow yourself to become lost in the sights, sounds, and sensations of the nature around you.

Try Mindfulness Techniques
Practice mindful living with a range of mindfulness techniques. Things such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, body scanning, and so on, can bring you back down to Earth, soothe your mind, and help you find comfort. Techniques like this are proven to make it easier to be present and wash away the worries of your day. I like to set aside a certain amount of time to practice meditation each and every day.
Practice Active Listening
Present moment awareness also has a lot to do with active listening. Active listening fosters deeper connections with those around you and also creates presence in conversations. While in a conversation, really listen, focus on the speaker, maintain eye contact, and nod to show understanding. Try not to interrupt or plan your response. Instead, allow yourself to live in the moment. You will be surprised to see how much more you gain from the conversation–mentally and emotionally.
Focus On What You Feel
A mind wandering is a mind that is not in the present. By acknowledging and processing your emotions in the present moment, you promote mindfulness and awareness. Notice and label your emotions without judgment, allowing yourself to really dive into them. Are you sad today? Why? Or, are you worried? Ask yourself why? Regularly check in with yourself throughout the day to identify your emotions. And don’t forget, it is okay to express those emotions when you need to.
Spend Quality Time
Quality time is food for the soul. When you pay attention to the people around you, you allow yourself to focus on the present. Spend time with loved ones and allow yourself to really become immersed in it. Don’t rush it and don’t set a timeframe. Instead, allow the day to plan itself. Investing quality time into relationships and activities promotes presence.

Embrace being present every day with these tips.
Now that you have these tips to be more present laid out in front of you, you can become more present in your daily life.
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