
Capturing Baby’s Growth With Milestone Baby Cards


In case you haven’t noticed from this blog and my Instagram, I love tracking my baby’s growth through photos. Photography is a hobby that motherhood has gifted me with and my main source of joy comes from keeping track of my child’s growth, development and changes over time through pictures. As a mom of three kids, I know how fast babies grow and how special it is to capture these milestones because years later, photos and memories are all you have left!

Nowadays there are countless apps, photo stickers and programs that allow parents to write dates and captions easily, and I’ve used many throughout my pregnancy and postpartum stage. Today I’d like to share with you my latest baby essential, Milestone Baby Cards that allow you to keep track of your baby’s growth easily.

It all started when Dutch mom Gemma Broekhuis wanted to capture the first time her son Mikkel rolled over. She wrote a card, added the date and took a photo with her son next to it. She continued to mark his milestones such as the first time he slept through the night, crawled, ate his first solids, etc. She then realized how precious these photos were and how easily it is to forget these moments, which led her to create Baby Cards by Milestone™.

I love these cards because it makes capturing those fleeting moments so easy. No more apps, photo editing programs and writing on cards.

milestone-baby-cards-2mileston-baby-cards-1This box of Baby Photo Cards contain 30 milestone cards that I plan to use during Baby D’s first year. Some cards include:


  • Today I smiled for the first time
  • Today I rolled over for the first time
  • Today I crawled for the first time
  • Today I slept through the night for the first time
  • Today I ate solid food for the first time
  • Today I sat up for the first time
  • Today I got my first tooth
  • Today I said da-da for the first time
  • Today I said ma-ma for the first time
  • Today I’m __ weeks
  • Today I’m __ months



I used these cards when Baby D reached 10 and 12 weeks. I can’t believe he is 12 weeks already. We are going to celebrate his 100th days soon which is a huge milestone in the Korean culture. More details to come! Today he is growing happy, healthy and smiling a ton. He is such a blessing to our family and we have much to be grateful for this year.

So what do you think? Would you be interested in getting a box for yourself so you can keep track of your own baby’s milestones?

You can find more cards such as Baby’s First Year, Twins’ First Year and The Original Toddler Cards on their website, Facebook, and Instagram.

Just in time for the holiday season, you can also download their free Our First Thanksgiving card here.


Thank you Milestone Baby for providing this product for review. 

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16 thoughts on “Capturing Baby’s Growth With Milestone Baby Cards

  1. These are really precious, and I don’t think you can get any easier than this! I also use photos and text, through apps to create memory or milestones markers that I call Journaling photos on my Blog. There are so many reasons and occasions to mark memories and social media makes keeping up with these so easy. Now companies like my social book and snapfish make it easy to print out your own baby books full of milestone markers like these. This would make a wonderful gift.

  2. What a cute way to remember your babies milestones, I love the artwork on the cards! They grow so quickly it’s wonderful to have these milestones preserved for years to come!

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