
Bathroom Organization for the New Year

Declutter Your Bathroom in 4 StepsAs we embark on a brand new year, there’s an innate desire to wipe the slate clean and start over. If you’re anything like me, this starts in the home. Decluttering various spaces in your home helps to feel like you’re starting the year fresh! The first place that I’m going to work on sprucing up in the new year is my bathroom. If you’re looking for ideas to help with bathroom organization, read on.

Bathroom Organization for the New Year

Bathroom Organization for the New Year: Declutter Your Bathroom in 4 Steps

Your bathroom is probably one of the most-used spaces in your home. It’s also one of the places that gets the most cluttered and messy. Between piles of clothes, towels, and self-care products, creating a system of organization is necessary. Does a messy bathroom give anyone else anxiety, or is that just me? Even if you have a small bathroom, there are plenty of ways to make it functional.

Step 1: Get rid of what you don’t need

Just as you would when you clean your kitchen cabinet or any closet, the first step is to get rid of the junk. Take everything out of your shower, bathtub, drawers, and cabinets. Throw away any empty bottles or trash.

Then, determine what you have that you don’t actually use. You may have products that you’ve bought and didn’t love, and now they are just collecting dust. Now is not the time to hold onto things that you’ll never use! You can choose to throw these items away or give them away to someone who needs them.

I like to keep things simple in our shower. I only keep what we need and love to use. Things can get crowded in a shower space, so stick to one kind of each product. If you have extras of things that you want to hold on to, consider storing them in a linen closet.

Step 2: Clean and strategize

For project bathroom organization, the second step is to clean and strategize how you want to store things moving forward. Wipe down all drawers, medicine cabinets, and the area underneath the sink. These will be your prime spots to put your products, and they’ve likely gathered dirt and dust. This is also a good time to wipe down facial products, make up, and any other bottles that may have gotten sticky or dirty.

During this phase, think about whether or not you’ll want to purchase any new storage containers. Since you have empty drawers and cabinets, it’s the perfect time to re-imagine where you want to put everything, and how you’ll make space for it.

Step 3: Use organizational tools

The real secret to creating and maintaining any organized space is to be sure that everything has a designated place. This is where various hooks, baskets, bins, and other containers become very useful. Here are some specific organizational tools that will help you simplify bathroom organization!

Shower Organizers

Using tools on your shower bench, walls, and over the shower head can make your shower feel brand new.

Drawer Organizers

There are organizers for every size drawer. Amazon even has expandable bins and drawer dividers to truly customize it to fit your specific bathroom. I like to use these to neatly store my facial cleansers, lotions, etc.

Hair Tool Organizers

These are perfect to put under your sink. They hold all your hair tools such as blow dryers, straighteners, brushes and curling irons.

Make Up Organizers

Make up is tricky to keep de-cluttered because it’s all different shapes and sizes. When it’s thrown into a drawer it looks so messy and it’s difficult to find what you need. These organizers can be kept on your counter or underneath your sink.

Counter Top Organization

I like to keep my bathroom counters clean with very minimal things on top. The majority of my products and tools I keep in my drawers or underneath my sink, and just bring them out when I’m using them. I think a couple glass canisters look nice to store small items like cotton balls and q-tips. I also like the look of a tray to hold pretty items such as perfumes and small jewelry.

Miscellaneous Organization

There are other unique ways you can make your bathroom look nice and be functional. Consider using a tray across your bathtub to hold bath salts, a candle, soap, etc when you’re treating yourself to a bath.

Declutter Your Bathroom in 4 StepsStep 4: Maintain

This is the step that people tend to lose shortly after de-cluttering spaces. All the beautiful baskets, bins, and jars mean nothing if you don’t keep up with them! The best way that I’ve found to keep my bathroom looking nice is to take time every evening before bed to tidy up. I make sure everything I used throughout the day is back in its home. Waking up to a clean and organized bathroom is a good feeling!

What are your favorite tips for bathroom organization? If you’re decluttering your bathroom in the new year, snap a picture and tag me on Instagram @mommydiary so I can celebrate with you! For more tips and resources on decluttering your home, check out this post.

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