
8 New Things To Try In The New Year

2020 was truly a year of figuring it all out. After all, there wasn’t much else we could do with so many things shut down, normal activities on pause, and our daily routines being changed. It almost forced us to re-think our lives and what we want our future to look like. With all of these on and off restrictions, 2020 was the perfect time to consider new things to try in the new year.

Even as the pandemic continues, there are still a lot of wonderful things to experience from home. I’m going to share a list of some new things to try in the new year that either I’ve taken an interest in or think you may benefit from. What better time than today to simply get out of your comfort zone? I hope you’re feeling encouraged to try something new as we enter into 2021!

8 New Things To Try In The New Year

8 New Things To Try In The New Year

Start by making a list of things you’ve always thought about doing or things you’ve recently become interested in. Make it your New Year’s resolution to try one of those things!

1. Start a new hobby

Do you have a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try? Use the new year as your excuse to finally dive into it. There’s several at home activities like knitting, pottery, yoga, meditating, or drawing. Hey, you could even start a podcast! That was one of my big accomplishments of 2020.

Something that I’ve always loved is essential oils. This year I’m focusing on collecting and trying more essential oils and learning about the benefits they have on your mental and physical health. Is that considered a hobby? If not, I’m claiming it as one!

2. Practice a skill

If you don’t have a new hobby you want to try, consider practicing an existing skill. Having something that you can work on that is separate from work and family is good for all of us. Did you play an instrument many years ago? That would be such a fun skill to improve on as an adult.

I’ve always loved writing, and one of my goals this year is to take that skill and turn it into a book. Stay tuned as I begin that journey!

8 New Things To Try In The New Year

3. Take a class

I consider myself a lifelong learner. I love soaking up new information, and the digital world holds endless possibilities. Do you have something that you’d love to learn more about? There are so many digital courses you can take online about almost anything. Parenting, entrepreneurship, photography…you name it, it’s out there. You can even take a course on how to wine taste! Some classes are paid and some are free.

If you have an entrepreneurial bug deep inside you, consider taking a class on how to start a business! I discussed how to build a personal brand online in an episode on Mommy Diary: The Podcast.  You can tune into that episode here.

4. Drink more tea

Speaking of wine, one of my new things to try in the new year is drinking more tea and less wine. Somewhere in the midst of this past year, I found myself drinking way too much wine as a way to wind down at the end of the day. Maybe you can relate. This year I’m vowing to enjoy a warm cup of tea more often than a glass of wine.

You can find my dates & ginger tea recipe here.

5. Get more sleep

More time at home doesn’t always mean more sleep. If the added stress of this past year affected your sleep pattern, make sleep a top priority for the new year. Screens often hinder our ability to get to bed at a decent time. I suggest changing the settings on your phone so you don’t receive alerts past a certain time.

Making it a habit to put your phone away, turn off the tv, and allow yourself to go to sleep may be one of the most important things you can try in the new year. Getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night will make you feel good for the next day. If you don’t have one already, I highly suggest investing in a white noise machine for your bedroom. You can get one like this on Amazon.

6. Create a new morning routine

Your morning sets the mood for the rest of your day. If you are feeling flustered or anxious in the mornings, think about what you could change so you feel more at peace. I like to have slow mornings where I enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and spend a few quick moments writing in my gratitude journal.

If your children wake up early, setting your alarm clock for an hour earlier than usual will allow you to hold space for yourself before the rest of the house joins you. Guided meditation, exercise, or just sitting in silence are all inspiring ways to start the day with ease. If you are a reader, join a book club and use the morning as your quiet reading time.

8 New Things To Try In The New Year

7. Go on a road trip

Many families have had to cancel one or more vacations due to the pandemic, which is always disappointing. If you are feeling the need to get away and have a change of scenery, a road trip is the best option. You’ll avoid flying and can bring groceries, toys for the kids, and even your pets.

Many Air B & B rentals are open and taking proper cleaning precautions.  If you live somewhere warm, go on a road trip to a campground and spend a weekend under the stars. My family loves going on short weekend getaways to nearby cities and towns that we have yet to explore.

8. Save money

Saving money is a common goal for the new year. If this is in your plans, the first step is to track your spending. You can either hire a professional or simply create a spreadsheet. Look at your consistent payments each month and decide if there’s anything you can cut from your spending.

Sometimes it’s challenging to face where our money actually goes, but when you do it will make it easy to see what changes need to be made. For example, you may find that you’re spending too money on items you don’t need at the grocery store or on monthly subscriptions that you don’t actually need.

What new things are you going to try in the new year? Share your resolutions in the comments. I’ll be cheering you on!

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