
Five Ways For Busy Moms To Take A Time Out

time-out-for-busy-momsThe following post is sponsored by Luvs

So you think “time outs” are for misbehaved kids only? Think again. As a busy and overworked mom of three, I fully understand the need for mothers to take a “time out” from their busy schedules to restore, rejuvenate and re-center themselves on a regular basis. Sure our children are great and our babies are adorable, but raising little ones is a perpetual job whether you are a working mom or a stay-at-home-mom.

Motherhood is a full time job that requires a lot of patience, willpower, energy and sacrifice and we cannot underestimate the value of time out for mothers. In fact, Luvs recently conducted a poll for moms across the country and found that:

  • Nearly 2 in 3 moms have never taken a day completely for themselves
  • 81% of moms would prefer an entire day off from housework than dinner with their celebrity crush
  • 87% of moms agree that one of their best parenting moments is when their child slept through the night for the first time.

As a mom of a 5 months old who is still waking up 2-3 times a night I can relate to these results. I have yet to reach the milestone of having my baby sleep through the night but when that day comes, I know it will be one of my favorite parenting moments. I also know that while parenting is full of physical and emotional challenges, diapering is one process that doesn’t have to be so difficult.

Luvs recently introduced the new and improved Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™. It’s softer and more absorbent than before, with large stretch tabs for easy fastening, and ultra-leakage protection. They also offer a money-back guarantee and provide many features parents can appreciate for less than the cost of premium brands.

As an experienced mom, I’m now more practical about my baby’s needs and know where it’s smart to save. Therefore I appreciate Luvs’ commitment for providing parents with value without sacrificing quality.

I also know that taking care of personal needs is a crucial part of motherhood, and that it actually benefits the entire family to do so.

Here are five ways to take a time out for busy mothers.

1. Reading books for personal enjoyment

Reading books is the best way to de-stress, exercise your brain and gain new knowledge.

2. Committing to regular de-stressing routines

Simple routines like regular facials or manicure and pedicures can make you feel refreshed and ready to tackle a new day. How about a new hair style or enrolling in a new yoga class? You will not only look better, but feel 100x better do do positive things for your body and mind.

3. Making more efforts to socialize with girlfriends

Make efforts to meet your girlfriends more regularly, whether it’s for brunch, lunch or dinner. It will help you remember where you came from, who your tribe is and re-energize you with positive adult interaction.

4. Taking long baths with fragrant bath salts and candles

Don’t underestimate the power of warm, therapeutic baths. Some powerful benefits include improved blood circulation, better sleep, better skin, less headaches and muscle aches, and overall improved mood.

5. Resting as needed

By pushing ourselves too hard and overworking our mind and body, we are more prone to common problems like depression, anxiety and anger. Listen to your body and take time off and rest as needed.

How would you like to take a “mommy time out” this year? Would you like lessen the load by trying Luvs for your baby? If so, take advantage of this $1 off coupon! You can print it at home and use it where Luvs Diapers are sold. Trial and travel sized packs are excluded. Print-at-home coupons expire 30 days from the date it’s printed.

This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.


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29 thoughts on “Five Ways For Busy Moms To Take A Time Out

  1. Such a great list, Mama! I love baths, too. And it felt like my son would NEVER get to sleeping through the night and when he did it was amazing! Then he woke up due to teething. But he’s getting back into a good night time routine. You’ll be there before you know it!

    1. Thank you for that reminder! I have yet to get a full night’s rest since he was born. It’s been almost 6 months but I can never get truly used to it. He’s teething right now too so he wakes up crying sometimes…but I WILL get there, right? 😉

  2. Reading something other than kids’ books is my go to for “me time.” As much as I appreciate a good rhyme, it’s nice to have a book just for me. This is a great list! And thanks for the coupon!

    1. I totally understand what you mean. After two kids, I’m already kind of tired of nursery rhymes (please don’t tell them that- haha) but I’ll commit to regular reading when my 5 months old is big enough…but there’s nothing like reading a book for pleasure. It’s been too long.

  3. Wow! Those are interesting statistics, but thinking about my mom friends and myself, they seem so accurate! I love your tips. I WANT to read more and take baths to relax, instead of just to sooth a clogged milk duct!

    1. I know what you mean! We spend so much time giving warm baths to our kids but how about warm baths for ourselves? This is one of my new years goals for 2017, more warm baths, more ME Time. 😉 Thanks for reading!

    1. I’m glad you can do it on regular basis. Sometimes I get so caught up with home life it’s hard to make the commitment. It’s so important and I plan to commit to this more regularly this year. Thanks for reading!

  4. A good book and a bubble bath can work wonders for stress, even for those of us who aren’t moms! 🙂 Good suggestions!

  5. Omg. I can totally relate! Is it truly possible to take a day to ourselves as mothers? I went out of town last week without my five kids and I can tell ya I felt like I was still working from one thousand miles away! A mother’s work is never done!

    1. I’m actually leaving town without my kids for one day next week (first time since baby is born) and I’m already nervous about it. Why does being a mom come with so many responsibilities? You’re right, our job is NEVER done and it’s sometimes so exhausting!

  6. These are great tips. I love the long bath idea, it is so relaxing and also the going out with girlfriends, but it is so hard sometimes to make it happen because everybody are busy popping kids. But we always make it a point to meet and have a girls day out . It is so refreshing .

  7. I make time for reading each week as well as exercising. Everything else seems to fall by the wayside, but those two things stay on my radar when it comes to self-care.

  8. This is a wonderful list!!! Although my kiddos are a bit older (youngest is 6) I can still completely relate to this. Thanks for sharing- btw, you have a beautiful blog! HAve a great day! XO

  9. I love the tips for time out for mommas! We neglect ourselves too much for sure. Great post and really in tune with my blog. lol I just wrote a post for moms on how to start a quiet time routine. Great minds think alike.
    My best tip from my perspective is to get up at least 15 before the kids do. It’s totally hard at first, but really puts you in the right mental and spiritual space!

  10. Thanks for this list. I should take more baths regularly and not 3 min showers lol. It’s always refreshing to read your posts and feel reguvenated for the day.

  11. This is great! I’ve been reading Present over Perfect and it gives some similar tips – Especially number 5. It actually says most moms are usually “fake resting” and just wearing their comfy clothes… and keep saying to themselves “let me finish this one thing, then I’ll rest” while folding laundry, cleaning counters, etc. So thanks for sharing!! Definitely something I need to work on.

  12. I definitely need to try some of these diapers for our daughter. Lately, she has been getting up in throughout the night and I believe it’s due to her super wet diaper!

  13. I often find myself still watching cartoons after my toddler has been asleep. I tend to tune out these cute shows while working, and it cracks me up every time when I catch myself doing this. I guess that’s when you know your a mom, you can recite strawberry shortcake’s every episode. Taking time for yourself is important and it makes you a better parent. Great article!

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