DIY Valentine’s Day Candy Bouquet Box

If there’s one thing kids love about Valentine’s Day, it’s candy! I try not to give my kids too much sugar on a day-to-day basis, but on holidays like this one, it’s their time to get extra treats.

This year, I decided to make candy bouquets for my kids. This is a fun and easy alternative to a gift box or basket! This would also make a great gift for teachers on Valentine’s Day.

Check out the step-by-step instructions below.

DIY Valentine’s Day Candy Bouquet for Kids and Techers

DIY Valentines Day Candy Bouquet Box

1. Materials For DIY Valentine’s Day Candy Box

DIY Valentines Day Candy Bouquet Box

2. How to make Valentine’s Day Candy Box

Step 1:

Tape your candy and treats to the end of the wooden dowels. 

Step 2:

Tape or glue your tissue paper around the perimeter of the box on the inside so it fans outward. This will create a nice base.

Step 3:

Place a thick layer of floral foam into the bottom of the box. You’ll use this to stick the dowels in place.

Step 4: 

Create your arrangement! Start with the largest items first and begin to fill in the gaps. You can either make it tall in the back and short in the front or uniform all the way around- it’s up to you and your creativity! You can determine the heights of each item by how far you push the dowel into the floral foam.

Step 5:

Fill in any leftover gaps with more tissue paper bunches.

How to make Valentine's Day Candy Box

I love this super easy and fun way to give your kids treats on Valentine’s Day! It also makes a perfect gift for teachers and friends!

You can also find how to make a DIY Valentine’s Day Flower Box and Valentine’s Day crystal box here.

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