Why I Believe In The Power Of Crystals
Why crystals work: my personal experience with crystals
Crystals and energy healing has been around for thousands of years since the ancient time. Harnessing the energy of the sun, the moon, the earth and the oceans, these semi-precious stones connect us to earth and our creator. Albert Einstein famously said everything in life is vibrations. And just like sound waves, your thoughts match the vibrations of everything that manifests in your life.
Crystals are said to absorb our negative energies and amplify the high vibrations that we put out, thus giving us greater manifesting potential. These things can’t be “seen” of course so many call it pseudo-science. But because I’ve experienced the opening of my heart chakra (more on this later) and so many personal transformations with crystals, I just know.
Even as a young girl, I was an intuitive and hyper sensitive to energies. Not just to mine but to those around me. I can just know certain things without being told and feel certain feelings and energies that are invisible to the eye. As I got older and experienced negative emotions like loss, grief, pain, guilt and depression, I realized I need more than medicine, science and religion to help restore me back to health.
Even as a young girl, I was an intuitive and hyper sensitive to energies, not just to mine but to those around me. I can just know certain things without being told and feel certain feelings and energies that are invisible to the eye.
I tried everything from psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, religious retreats, being prayed over, speaking in tongues at charismatic retreats, one-on-one spiritual guidance from pastors and priests, confessions to reading the bible faithfully but my soul yearned for more. I’m not saying they weren’t helpful. Many of these trained professionals and religious leaders were kind, welcoming and loving– it’s just that I needed something beyond these prescribed tools.
I needed to find my own metaphysical path to healing and find my own connector to the universe.
I needed to find my own metaphysical path to healing and find my own connector to the universe.
Part 1: Why I believe in the power of crystals
The Power of our thoughts
My journey with energy vibrations, crystals, essentials oils and smudge sticks all began in 2007 when I was sitting in a psychiatrists’ office two months after my second daughter was born. She was the second medical doctor to diagnose me with postpartum depression. And as imagined, I was in a state of loss, defeat and hopelessness. I had never been on any kind of medication before and it was really difficult to accept that I needed anti-depressants. But I had two kids under 2 to take care of as the primary caretaker and I didn’t have a choice. I needed to strengthen myself and get out of this funk.
Before prescribing anti-depressants, she sat me down and showed me photos that look similar to this. Then she told me that anti-depressants are not permanent solutions, and that I should begin the journey of positive thinking and affirmation.

The photos showed the molecular structure of water, in a famous study by a Japanese author and researcher named Masaru Emoto.
In his book Messages from Water, he claimed that water was a “blueprint for our reality” and that emotional energies and vibrations could change the physical structure of water. His water crystal experiment consisted of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures or music then freezing and examining the aesthetic properties with microscopic photography.
As you can see, water exposed to positive thoughts, words and music results in “prettier” crystals while negative intentions and thoughts yield “ugly” frozen crystal formations. Then I remembered learning about similar effects of heavy metal music vs. classical music on plants. There are numerous studies that show that plants that are exposed to beautiful classical music grow better than plants that are exposed to loud heavy metal music. (You can read one study here.)
These photos opened my eyes and mind to a new reality that showed how important our thoughts, words and vibrations are. Then I realized I had been stuck in a negative cycle of self-defeating words and thoughts for quite some time due to difficulty in parenting and personal problems.
Some negative thoughts included “I should be doing this but I’m so tired,” “What’s wrong with me,” “Why me?” “I feel so sad,” “I feel bad,” “I’m so tired,” “I’m unhappy with _____,” “Why can’t ____ happen?” “Why can’t he/she be more like this”? “What’s wrong with him/her?” “I’m so scared,” “I worry that _____.” “I’m scared of ______.” You get the drift.
Then it occurred to me. My thoughts and vibrations were making me ugly and sick.
Some negative thoughts included “I should be doing this but I’m so tired,” “What’s wrong with me,” “Why me?” “I feel so sad,” “I feel bad,” “I’m so tired,” “I’m unhappy with _____,” “Why can’t ____ happen?” “Why can’t he/she be more like this”? “What’s wrong with him/her?” “I’m so scared,” “I worry that _____.” “I’m scared of ______.” You get the drift.
Then it occurred to me. My thoughts and vibrations were making me ugly and sick.
Looking back, I wish I knew about holistic methods to healing at this time. Being on anti-depressants helped temporarily (not even a week). Then I was left with all kinds of negative side effects such as brain zaps, emotional numbness and manic episodes. I was on zoloft for a total of 3 months and I weaned myself from it because I just hated being reliant on a tiny yellow pill that made me better, then worse.
You can read more about my PPD story here.
After my experience with postpartum depression and anti-depressants, I realized how bad prescription pills are for our bodies. This is not to say all medications are bad because there are clearly instances when they are absolutely necessary.
However, what really healed me from depression was not anti-depressants but holistic methods like essential oils, crystals, journaling and meditation that raised my vibrations and grounded my energy.
What really healed me from depression was not anti-depressants but holistic methods like essential oils, crystals, journaling and meditation that raised my vibrations and grounded my energy.
I was gifted my first crystal then the rest is history
One day, my younger brother returned from Sedona Arizona with a bunch of crystals. He told me I can choose the one I gravitate towards. By this time I was already on my journey of healing and strengthening my intuition so choosing one was easy. I knew in my heart this was the one meant for me.

Then I forgot all about it. I simply kept the crystal on my desk for about 6 months while I was working. And I placed it in a location where I spend most of my time with zero expectations about what it can do for me. I wasn’t expecting massive healing or a miracle. I just continued to live my life and focus on positive thinking and building my blog business.
I wasn’t expecting massive healing or a miracle. I just continued to live my life and focus on positive thinking and building my blog business.
In retrospect, the crystal was assisting with manifestation. Because during this time my creativity soared and my blog work really began to take off. Life was chaotic and messy but I was grateful for the new opportunities coming my way.
Then my first crystal began coming to life.
The first time I noticed was when I was taking flat lays on my desk for my blog. As I snapped the photos, I noticed the photos kept turning pink. I was confused. What is going on and why are all my photos turning pink? I snapped some more and got the same pink result.

Then my eyes landed on the crystal sitting on my desk. Can this be emanating some kind of invisible vibrations and colors? I moved it out of the way and took another photo. Sure enough, the pink was gone! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I took a closer look and my clear quartz crystal now had a pinkish hue- it had been transforming colors by my side!
Today I own many more crystals and have them all over my home- the entry way, living room, bathroom, bedside, home office, etc. I also experienced my heart chakra open and can now feel my soul in a much deeper way. My soul feels expanded and deeper. I’m now much more balanced, whole and connected with God.
Today I own many more crystals and have them all over my home- the entry way, living room, bathroom, bedside, home office, etc. I also experienced my heart chakra open and can now feel my soul in a much deeper way. My soul feels expanded and deeper. I’m now much more balanced, whole and connected with God.
Life continues to throw curveballs my way and a few months ago I experienced a deep, soul-aching loss in my personal life.
I was very heartbroken which would usually throw me into a dark hole of despair and depression. But thanks to my relationship with crystals, this hole doesn’t feel so dark and deep anymore. I’m able to get myself out of negative emotions more easily and quickly. This doesn’t mean life is perfect, but I really don’t envision myself ever needing anxiety or depression medication because I’ve discovered holistic and metaphysical ways to be more connected with self and the Universe.
It’s my hope that you too, can find holistic and metaphysical path to healing because our minds and bodies have the ability to heal itself as long as we wrap ourselves in good, positive energies and high vibrations in thought, words and actions.
For me this isn’t pseudo-science, its the mystery of life and power of metaphysics- things that we know to be true even though we can’t see it.
For me this isn’t pseudo-science, its the mystery of life and power of metaphysics- things that we know to be true even though we can’t see it.
Well, that’s it for today! For my next post, I’ll go into more details about different crystals and how it can help our daily lives. I’ll also share how I use crystals in my daily life. Stay tuned!
If you’d like to read more about why and how crystals work, check out this article.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Subscribe to my email list to get the notification when Part 2 is up!
I enjoyed reading this post – actually I was eagerly awaiting it. Thanks for sharing your journey. I recently stop my weekly therapy sessions because I felt they weren’t helping. Sometimes I felt more lost when I left. And other times I felt it helped. I think it’s time I try crystals….can’t wait to read part 2.
I love this post. I’ve experimented with crystals in the past, but never came across the energy people talk about. This post has inspired me to try again and to hopefully find a crystal that works for me.
Thank you for sharing this post and linking a beginner’s guide to crystals! I have a jade bracelet and amethyst ring that I adore but don’t know too much about them yet. It’s only lately that I’ve taken an interest in crystals and learning the unique powers they each have and what suits my life.
Hello, sweet angela! here I WAS, without any PRETENTION LOOKING AT MOM BLOGGERS ON PINTEREST, HAVING A REALLY HARD TIME TO FIND a MOM THAT I COULD TrULLY CONNECT WITH THE CONTENT(MOST Pinterest moms ARE JUST making a huge EFFORT TO EARN TRAFFIC and not generating real and written by heart content like yours).
THIS WEEK I HAVE BEEN STUDYING A LOT about CRYSTALS (finishing Scott Cunningham’s book Encyclopedia of crystals), AND I ended up, BY COINCIDENCE (OR MAYBE DESTINY) finding YOUR blog and reading this POST, WHICH made I START MY DAY IN ANOTHER ENERGY, WITH CONFIDENCE AND POSITIVE THOUGHTS.
your blog is beautiful, and i feel you have a beautiful soul (i am also a very intuitive person, and i am sure you are special)
So, this comment is only an extra motivation for you to keep up with your beautiful, useful and inspiring writing!
Lots of love and thank you s2.
You are so kind and your comment made my day! Thank you so much, can’t wait to check out your blog!