Eight years ago I decided to finally step outside of my comfort zone and take blogging seriously. Until then my blog was a ten-year long hobby- a creative outlet through which I began to build my voice and platform. In the beginning I only had a handful of readers which included mostly my friends and acquaintances and growing an online community seemed daunting, nearly impossible.
What I Learned As A Mom Blogger & Influencer
The shift from fear-based mindset to that of courage and risk-taking
What shifted my fear-based thinking to that of courage and risk-taking resulted from a conference called Mom 2.0. At the time I was 7 months pregnant and ready to take my mom blog to the next level because by then I knew I loved blogging enough to invest money and time into it as needed. (At this point I was still using Squarespace and haven’t invested in a professional web designer).
My eyes and mind opened up to the amazing power of mothers on social media and the various ways in which we can use our talents, passion and voices to make a difference in the world through motherhood. My passion was ignited and I found my new purpose.
I decided that I was no longer going to worry about what people think about what I create or say (often an imagined fear of the ego) and follow my heart. I was bringing a new baby into the world and this was the perfect time to show my kids what their mama is about. I’ll no longer be afraid to spend money into this blog business and take risks like I would for any other business.
I’ll finally step outside of my comfort zone and be brave.
How are you being brave today?
The real work begins….
Once I made up my mind, I got to work. I began to reach out to new mothers on social media and connect with them genuinely with my stories and experiences. I attended various conferences for moms such as Mom 2.0, Boss Moms and Influential Summit. I began calling myself a blogger instead of shying away from this title. I made a business card. I hired a web designer and worked with her to re-do my web design. I began writing regularly on this blog at least 2-3 times a week. I spent hours in front of my computer. I focused all my energy on motherhood and content creation on Instagram, Pinterest and this blog. It was a lot of work but work I felt privileged to partake in.
I aligned my intention with the universe. I wanted to share my story not for fame or money, but because I knew my story and experiences are valuable to the motherhood community. I believed in myself and the power of storytelling. I also believed the Universe will provide me with the right tools, people and resources to help me succeed. I constantly asked the Universe to keep me focused, grounded and dedicated to this meaningful work.
I aligned my intention with the universe. I wanted to share my story not for fame or money, but because I knew my story and experiences are valuable to the motherhood community. I believed in myself and the power of storytelling. I also believed the Universe will provide me with the right tools, people and resources to help me succeed. I constantly asked the Universe to keep me focused, grounded and dedicated to this meaningful work.

Returning to Mom 2.0
Two years later, I returned to Mom 2.0. This time I was no longer alone, scared and full of fear. I now had a tribe of hard working and talented mothers whom I consider real life friends. We share ideas, insight and resources. We help and support each other to grow. We vent about our difficult days and celebrate each other’s success. We realize that there’s room for all of us to succeed and to share our talents and passions with the world.

With that said, here are some things I learned over the years as a mom blogger/influencer that you may find useful.
What I Learned As A Mom Blogger & Influencer
1. Be kind and genuine
No matter where you’re at in your career, be kind, open and giving. Be genuine in all that you do because others can tell when your intention is not good. Networking begins from the heart, not from the head. Truly connect with others instead of thinking about what you can gain from the relationship.
Your vibe truly attracts your tribe. Think about that.
2. Be bold and brave
One of my greatest takeaway from the Mom 2.0 Summit was Brené Brown’s keynote. If you don’t know her already, she is a researcher, author and expert on courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. Her TED Talk on the “Power Of Vulnerabilty” has garnered over 30 million views. She is the epitome of a working mom who reclaimed her power through vulnerability and empathy. On this day, she taught us the importance of having the courage to be seen without being able to control the outcome. She also taught us that we’re not brave unless we’re vulnerable.
Being vulnerable can be scary, especially in the realm of social media. Every time we share a photo or story, we open ourselves up for public scrutiny and judgement. Looking back, this was my greatest fear and worry when I first began blogging. But guess what– Brené tells us that she has never done anything worthwhile until she was scared shitless and nauseous. In fact, I had a full blown anxiety attack right before my blog went public which you can read more about here.
I’ve never done anything worthwhile until I was scared shitless and nauseous- Brené Brown
If you’re unfamiliar with her talks and books, I’d highly recommend them.
3. You must put in the time and the work
If you want to succeed as a blogger or influencer, you must put in hours of work and energy into the work. You must be willing to take risks and make investments like you would with any other business. I know many people begin blogging as a “hobby” but the ones who really succeed in this industry are the ones who take it to that next level.
This includes hiring childcare and other help, setting aside dedicated time to write and create content, missing playdates and lunch dates so you can create content in your own space (this can get boring and lonely) and investing in the tools and programs that’ll help grow your business. I often hear from moms, whether working or stay-at-home moms, who are starting a mom blog that they just don’t have the time. Well I’m sorry to say this, but with this kind of mindset, it’ll be difficult to run a successful blog. There are just too many dedicated and talented people out there to be able to break through this market without putting in hours of hard work.
A momtrepreneur is someone who MAKES time for her work, regardless of her circumstances. Intention creates space. Create the space and time for your work.
A momtrepreneur is someone who MAKES time for her work, regardless of her circumstances. Intention creates space. Create the space and time for your work.
4. Diversify your online presence
Contrary to popular opinion, blogs are not dead. Why? Because millions of people still receive their information through google search and a popular Instagram page won’t reach those people. If you’re serious about becoming a blogger and influencer, you must have a blog (or have your vlogs on your blog) and use other tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest as an extension of your brand.
For me, Pinterest is key as it brings over 80% of my blog traffic. Don’t get too caught up in the IG game and put all your eggs in one basket. You must diversify your online presence across social media channels.
5. Don’t waste energy on others, instead focus on growing your skills
It’s too easy to get stuck in the comparison game on social media, so don’t let yourself go there. There’s always going to be someone with prettier homes, cuter kids, better stories, more followers etc. so don’t waste your energy on comparing yourself to them. Instead, channel that energy to grow your skillsets that can help your brand. This includes improving your photography skills, learning Photoshop and Lightroom (a blogger’s best friend), more reading and writing, improving your public speaking skills and more. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there that can help you as a blogger, writer, photographer, influencer, creator and business woman. Seek them out and utilize them.
If you have to pay $$ for courses and conferences that’s even better because it’ll shift your mindset from looking at your blog as a hobby to a real business. 🙂
6. Be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things
Social media is a space that’s constantly changing and evolving. What worked 5 years ago will no longer work today and even the blog world has changed so much since I began 15+ years ago. For mommy influencers or bloggers to succeed, you must be open to new ideas, new people and new ways of doing things. You must continue to grow as a person too, because being stuck in an old, outdated mindset will not propel you forward.
Ok guys, that’s all I have for today. I hope you found this blog post helpful! Let me know if you have other questions related to being a blogger and/or influencer as a mom. I’d love to answer them when I can. Thank you for reading! <3
Did you enjoy this post? Now go check out my blogger friend Lovestalgia’s latest reflection about what she learned at Mom 2.0.
Continual learning is never a waste of time. I was thinking it’s during those times I get a golden nugget that propels my business or gives me that idea or that gumption to do something. it’s worth it even if it’s just the motivation! Glad we met two years ago and you have since grown tremendously!! xx
Yes i agree. This industry is ever changing and ever growing, it’s a lot of work to stay updated but a must! I’m so glad we met too, you always inspire me. xx
Wow, this is such an inspiration! I am just starting in my journey (@onbeingmommy), and this was the exact post I needed to read. Thank you so much for offering your advice.
Hi Christina, thank you for your kind comment and I’m glad you found this post helpful! Best of luck on your journey and let me know if you ever have questions about anything! 😉
“There’s always going to be someone with prettier homes, cuter kids, better stories, more followers etc” I chuckle when I read that sentence. I re-read a couple of times. Found myself tearing up a little. Your writing is truly amazing. It touched my heart if not my soul. I’m so glad I had found you ( through ig socalmoms) I can relate so much to this and I have never say this before. But. I’m very excited to read all of your blog! I think I had found a way to help me on the blogging journey. Thank you again for your hearty post!
Your words are so encouraging and I can’t thank you enough. Best of luck on your blogging journey and I hope to read your story soon too. 🙂 Glad to connect!
This blog post really assisted me in thinking about my goals and aspirations as attainable instead of long shots…I really related to your words about “shying away” from titles that you are aspiring and working to be…AND that your stories and words ARE meaningful to others! If I could assist someone like your words have assisted me, I will feel content. 😍
Inspiring stuff so very appreciative of your words! 💕
Time for me to start writing lol
Excellent post, Angela! So heartfelt, thorough, open and encouraging! You know me, at least to some extent anyways. 😉 I am – was – one of those “hobby bloggers” who always felt or said that I just didn’t have the time to pursue or grow my blog. And I stopped writing/posting consistently, and then stopped posting on the blog altogether. Well, I thought I’d pop in and read your blog (which in all honesty, I haven’t in a long while – or anyone else’s either), and I am so proud of and happy for you. You did it! You’re still doing it! And you will continue to grow for sure! Sending blessings and love to your beautiful family this Christmas and in the new year too! Keep in touch, my friend.