
Simplifying Motherhood With HelloFresh

sponsored-hellofreshWhat should I make for dinner?

If you’re like me, you find yourself asking this question all the time.


Before becoming a mother, I was a great planner and organizer. I had to-do lists for everything and no detail went forgotten. Then motherhood happened and my entire life turned upside down as in, now my life is chaotic and messy more often than not.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I forget things all the time- my kids’ doctor’s appointments, playdates, even shopping lists I composed earlier that day. I misplace my iphone, car keys and sunglasses many times in a day. I’m no longer the neat, organized and well-prepared girl I once was. And I know I’m not alone.

Just call me mom.


Because of my heavy mental load, one of the hardest part of motherhood is meal planning.

Because of my heavy mental load, one of the hardest part of motherhood is meal planning. I’d like my family to eat healthy home-cooked meals everyday but in middle of raising a baby, working from home and driving around my daughters to their daily after school activities, meal planning is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes just going to the grocery store is such a chore that takes huge mental and physical space from my already busy day!

Thanks to HelloFresh, I can now lessen the heavy mental load by eliminating the need to plan out meals and go to the grocery store.

Thanks to HelloFresh, I can now lessen the heavy mental load by eliminating the need to plan out meals and go to the grocery store. HelloFresh delivers a box of fresh ingredients to my doorstep once a week. In the box you can find well package contents that look like this.


Inside you’ll find individually packaged meals that contain all the ingredients you need to create delectable and healthy dishes for the whole family.


My favorite part of using meal delivery services like HelloFresh is that it frees up my mental space to focus on other things that need to be addressed throughout the day. This includes speech and ABA therapy for daughter #1, art class for daughter #2, doctor’s appointments for baby #3, shopping lists for the whole family, buying gifts for upcoming birthday parties, etc. I also like the fact that I can cook a variety of dishes for my family and learn how to make new ones.


My older daughters love to help me cook and mix ingredients. HelloFresh makes this process easier thanks to their easy-to-read recipes. What a great way to introduce the joy of cooking and healthy eating from a young age!


With the help of my kids, we made these delicious parmesan chicken tenders with green beans and potatoes. We also made the honey mustard sauce which added bold flavor to our meal.

Moreover, HelloFresh offers the flexibility of skipping meals when you know you won’t be cooking and choosing your own menu from their wide selection. You can also choose healthy vegetarian options!



What do you think? Are you interested in trying HelloFresh for your family? As my reader, you can get $30 off your first box if you’re a new customer with code MOMMYDIARY30. Click here to learn more!

As my reader, you can get $30 off your first box if you’re a new customer with code MOMMYDIARY30.

Click here to learn more!

Be sure to take advantage of this special offer and let me know in the comments below what you think about HelloFresh!


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9 thoughts on “Simplifying Motherhood With HelloFresh

  1. I am right here with you Angela. I loathe grocery shop after having baby #3! This sounds and looks amazing and how fun your daughter got in there to help, total mom win!

    xo, Nicole

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