
Korean Airline Business Class For Families and Flight Options

Flight options to South Korea and my Korean business class experience

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Korean Airline Business Class Review
Korean Air
Incheon airport, South Korea
Incheon airport, South Korea

Korean Airline Business Class Review

1. Flight Options to Korea

There are three Korean international airlines, Korean Air, Asiana Airline, and the latest Air Premia. I know some American airlines go to Korea as well, but I’m not too familiar with these.

Korean Air and Asiana Airline have been around for many years and are known to be the top two premium airlines. Air Premia is a new hybrid airline that’s more affordable and with larger economy and premium economy seats. I’m paying about $2300 per person for round trip premium economy tickets for Air Premia.

Their aircrafts are also brand new and have a new route from LAX (Los Angeles Airport). I’m taking Air Premia on our upcoming Korea trip so I’ll update this section after our trip.

Korean Airline Business Class Review

2. Business class on Korean Airline

The cost of economy and business class tickets

We got to fly business class on Korean airline. Korea is 13 hours from LAX which is a really long flight. Flight prices vary depending on season but you can expect to pay about $1000-1500 for round trip economy and $3000-$5000 for business class from LAX.

complimentary food at Business KA lounge
complimentary food at Business class KA lounge, Incheon Airport

I believe Asiana Airline pricing is similar to Korean Air. You can use your credit card points to help pay for the flight tickets.

Korean Airline Business Class Review

This was my first business class experience on Korean Air and it was one of my favorite airplane rides. The amenities are great, the service is top notch and where else do you get bibimbap and ramen on the airplane? Korean Air is known for their quality service and this flight was no different.

I don’t really enjoy flying, especially with kids, so taking business class really made a huge difference on our 13 hour flight. I wish I can pay for business class every time but it’s really expensive for a family of six so we’re opting to fly premium economy on Air Premia next. Stay tuned for my review on that!

bibimbap on Korean Air business class
bibimbap on Korean Air business class
rice porridge for breakfast
rice porridge for breakfast
salad on Korean Air
shin ramen on Korean Air
shin ramen is the best on an airplane
Korean Airline Business Class Review

Overall, flying business class to South Korea was such a treat but it’s not something my family of 6 can do often. If you’re able to collect points with your credit cards to help pay for the cost, I’ll highly recommend it for the experience.

It truly makes the 10-13 hour flight comfortable and convenient.

You can read my South Korea Travel Tips: Part 1: The Planning here.

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