
Holiday Gift Idea for Mom & Baby: Incredibundles




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It’s November already which means now is the perfect time to begin holiday shopping! I say this every year but time flies when you have children and this year is no different. Halloween came and left so fast this year that I know I want to begin holiday shopping earlier to avoid last minute stress and anxiety.

November and December are my favorite months of the year because it’s the only time when I’m allowed to slow things down and really soak in the moments spent as family. We usually skip all the busy afterschool activities this time of the year because I believe end of the year calls for recuperation and regathering of bodies and minds. We are often so caught up with the busyness of life that we forget what truly matters.

Everything else can wait, because what is most important about the holiday season is capturing those fleeting moments and giving to our loved ones. The only thing that can get in the way of truly enjoying this peace and togetherness is the stress of holiday shopping. Holiday shopping as a mom can be hectic and stressful because we have so many gifts to buy and so much to plan.

To help ease this common holiday anxiety, I want to share with you a wonderful personalized gift service from Incredibundles that can make your holiday shopping easier this year.


Incredibundles is an online service that enhances the traditional gift basket gifting experience with a modern twist and smarter choices. Instead of the typical wicker basket, paper shred, cellophane and generic baby care products, Incredibundles help you to create personalized gifts in adorable reusable storage containers filled with award-winning toys, books and baby products that are selected by development experts and approved by parents.

On their website you will find an array of popular and well-reviewed baby + kid products from books, toys, dolls, blankets and bath products to diapers. Incredibundles’ innovative service allows gift givers to create wonderful gift bundles that address a specific area of baby development. You can do this easily by browsing by category, price and theme.

One of my favorite gift options is their unique bundle subscription including A Year Of Toys, A Year of Books and A Year of Diapers.

You would like to gift the new family countless hours of reading together? Try their A Year of Books that contain an array of popular and educational books for babies at different stages. You would like to stock their nursery with toys for a full year to learn, play and explore? Give their award-winning Learn and Grow Bundles or A Year of Toys with high quality and developmentally appropriate toys.

Or perhaps you would like to gift the new parent a whole year of diapers! For this selection, Incredibundles will send an announcement package to the lucky parent featuring a teddy bear and certificate for a 3, 6, 9 or 12-month diaper subscription. Then the mom and dad can select the brand and size of diapers they want and have them delivered straight to their door. What an amazing gift for any new parent!

Incredibundles Learn-and-Grow Gift Set

1. Signature reusable gift box

My first Incredibundles Learn-and-grow gift set arrived in their signature reusable gift box like this. The box has their logo on top and adorable ABC design across the sides.


2. Cute premium wrapping


Each box is wrapped using premium wrapping paper and sticker like this. All contained products are well protected with bubble wrap. incredibundles-4

3. Nursery Essentials


In my box, I received a full-sized Gund teddy bear, Hickory Dickory Dock book and a colorful wooden rattle made in Germany.


What is especially exciting for me about my first Incredibundles gift box is that Baby D is finally old enough to play with the toys!

He is entering his 3rd month and now focusing on objects and grabbing onto toys. He loves playing with this wooden toy and reading books with his sister!






Just like this, IncrediBundles enables you to create personalized and thoughtful gifts that stand out from the rest and give the gift of quality family time.

To celebrate this upcoming holiday season and express my gratitude for my readers, I’ve partnered with Incredibundles to give away a $50 gift card to try their service. On their website you will find plenty of gifts for babies and toddlers that you can use for your own child or a loved one.

Please enter below to win a gift card you can use this holiday season!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations Kenny Hall. You are the winner!

Thank you Incredibundles for this awesome gift for my child and sponsoring this giveaway.

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4 thoughts on “Holiday Gift Idea for Mom & Baby: Incredibundles

  1. Just entered! You’re absolutely correct, holiday shopping and be stressful… and time consuming. This year I’m going to shop in my PJs from my bed. lol aka online! Thanks for sharing your experience!

    1. Thank you for visiting and entering the giveaway Lesley! I wish both of us luck this year…I plan to do a lot of online shopping this year and not wait until the last minute. I want to enjoy the gift choosing experience unlike the last few years… lol

  2. Just entered the giveaway! I always look forward to and love love love your posts/blog, and I can totally relate to the holiday anxiety for sure on this one. Cute products!

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