
Mommy Brain Is Real: Five Tips For Coping With Mommy Brain

I write this as I’m sitting in my pajamas at noon because we have no water in the house. I can’t take a shower and I can’t do anything that requires water, which apparently is a lot. All because I forgot to pay the water bill, even AFTER seeing the bill on my desk since last week.

I actually had planned a productive day with my 6 months old son; a trip to Ikea, maybe even a mother-son bonding lunch at the Ikea food court. I’ve been overwhelmed with our messy house, my blog work and keeping calm while dealing with my tween daughters’ emotions. I needed this time away, with my adorable and simple baby who doesn’t talk back or question my role as a mother. He just sleeps, poops, coos and smiles at me. So I had plans to be productive. And feel good about myself.


This morning I dragged my exhausted body out of the bed so I can have a productive day with my son. Jumped in the shower and no water. Sigh. The funny thing is, I knew exactly what had happened. The image of the pink paper that was sitting on my desk for a whole week flashed before my eyes.

So why did it NOT occur to me that I should perhaps, pay this bill immediately? Pink papers usually mean urgent. So why didn’t I?

Well, it’s called mom brain. And it’s real.

This is how mom brain works. It empties our minds of important things, clutters our minds with useless things and makes us forget everything. We look for our phones while it’s still in our hands, forget where put down our baby for a nap and look for him in every room (yes I’ve done this) and we can never get our kids’ names right. Mom brain makes us feel crazy, stupid and old. In different order in varying degrees of course, but these three words pretty much sum it up.

This is how mom brain works. It empties our minds of important things, clutters our minds with useless things and makes us forget everything. We look for our phones while it’s still in our hands, forget where put down our baby for a nap and look for him in every room (yes I’ve done this) and we can never get our kids’ names right. Mom brain makes us feel crazy, stupid and old. In different order in varying degrees of course, but these three words pretty much sum it up.

I thought I had mom brain before, but after my third child it’s gotten so bad I’m actually starting to give up on myself. But knowing I can’t, knowing these precious three children’s well-being and happiness depend on my functioning brain, I put together the following list as a reminder to myself and for my fellow mothers who may be suffering from the same common condition called mom brain.

1) Be kind to yourself

You forgot it once again? That’s okay. Be kind to yourself. Tune out that voice that tell you you’re dumb, you’re crazy and you’ve officially lost it. You’re fine, just sleep deprived and exhausted. Be kind to yourself.

2) Be flexible

If you forgot it today, there is always tomorrow, next week, or even next month. Or maybe even the next baby. It’s okay. Life is a lot more forgiving than we think.

3) This is not the end of the world

It sometimes seems like it, but it’s not. Mom guilt has a funny way of making everything feel so much bigger than it really is. After some time passes, this won’t even matter. Tell yourself, this is not the end of the world.

4) Take a mental break

Or if life allows, go take a nap. I know it’s hard to shake off the guilt that you’re not doing enough, especially after an episode of mom brain and you’ve forgotten something, yet again. But that’s okay. Take a mental break. Be even less productive for today and just rest.

5) Be present

Be present in today, mom brain and all. Smell your child’s hair, tickle your babe’s toes, relish in the fact that you created this beautiful little human who loves you so much. If you’re at work, listen to the sounds in your office, feel the fingers on your keyboard or the phone, and relish in the fact that you have this job that provides for your family. You’re setting a great example to your kids, of a woman who can be an awesome mother and contribute financially. That’s a HUGE accomplishment.

Whether you’re a working mom or a SAHM or a work-at-home mom, you’re doing amazing. Be present and be proud.

And lastly, laugh.

Just laugh at yourself and shake it off because you know, #momlife. We traded our brain cells for our children and they’re worth it, right? 😉

And if any of these fail to make you feel better about yourself, you can follow my journey on my blog and Instagram because I’m certain I’ll have many more “mom brain” moments to help you realize it’s not just you. It’s all of us.

It’s okay mama, tomorrow is another day.

What’s your mommy brain story? I’ve shared mine, share your favorite story in the comments below! 🙂

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30 thoughts on “Mommy Brain Is Real: Five Tips For Coping With Mommy Brain

  1. Yes – be present! I think the biggest culprit for my mom brain is trying to do too many things at once. It helps so much if I just focus on one thing then move to the next instead of drive myself crazy trying to do everything.

  2. My mom brain stresses me out, especially when I forget to do things that needed to be done. I hate it so much. But I am going to have to start being more kind to myself, because I know that I am not alone.

  3. Oh man! I love how you say we traded brain cells for children. Ahh! So true. I have definitely had to learn to write EVERYTHING down, use my phone to set reminders (and NOT snooze them), and cut myself a lot of slack, too. Moms unite!

  4. Guilty! I have done the where is my phone search….while holding my phone! I try breaking up my “to do” lists so it’s not so overwhelming.

  5. When night feeding the nth time I actually jumped out startled wondering where the baby was.. Cot or beside me? Fed or not yet?

  6. I loved this post and it’s SO TRUE! Mom brain started for me with my first pregnancy and has just gotten progressively worse over the years. I am really sorry that happened to you though, I hope it got fixed/gets fixed soon!

  7. My husband and I have been talking about mom brain a lot lately… Normally, I’m great with details and multitasking, but it seems to be tougher these days. I’ve been focusing on not beating myself up when I let something slide on accident… easier said than done, but so important for my own well being.

  8. So true! A friend and I were just talking about this yesterday. I think something else that helps me fight mom brain is doing something not mom-related, like going to a dance class, reading a book, taking an online course–things that stimulate my brain. It helps keep me a little more sharp (I think!). 😉

  9. A couple weeks ago I left my reusable grocery bag in the car and had to leave my groceries inside while I went to get the bag! Thankfully, the woman behind me in line was a mom and understood so she let me keep my place in line!

  10. Annnndddddd my favorite- just LAUGH!! I also had to laugh when I read that you’ve put your baby down for a nap and had to go looking- I’ve done the same thing. HA! This is a great. Love your blog!

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