Dear Baby D,
At 2 months old, you are already full of energy and life. You smile bigger, focus better, cry louder and stay up longer during the day. It’s truly amazing to witness your consciousness come to life and watch you go from a helpless newborn to a smiley, happy baby.
We didn’t have a doctor’s appointment this month so it’s hard to tell how much you weigh, but you’re growing stronger and healthier by the day. You are still breastfeeding every 2-3 hours and we finally have this breastfeeding thing down. My breastmilk is coming in well, you latch well and the hardest part is over for now, I hope.
The most memorable part of your second month
The most memorable part of your second month was us bonding more intimately. We’ve begun to bond more deeply and we now understand each other’s needs instinctively. You know when to feed, when to play, when to make eye contact, when to smile, when to coo and when to sleep while breastfeeding next to mommy.
When you smile and coo at us, our hearts melt instantly. Dad is always calling me over to watch you smile and coo at him, and I do the same to your sisters. The four of us repeatedly say, “Gosh, isn’t he the cutest thing ever?” or “I love him so much.” Your sisters kiss you every morning before they head out to school and love holding you and burping you.
Mommy used this month to slowly transition back to her old life, that of a woman and working mom. I’ve begun trying to balance your eating and sleeping schedule with mine because I now know how important “me time” is for me. I hope you don’t think this is mommy being selfish, because this is my way of taking care of my needs and dreams. Your sisters are now old enough to understand that their mama tries her best to be fully present with them, but that she still has her own work and dreams to nourish.
I hope you too, will understand one day.
Lounging & co-sleeping with Dockatot

I never though I’d say this, but I truly enjoy co-sleeping with you. Mommy and daddy never did this with your older sisters so this is entirely new for us. I was always against the idea of co-sleeping because I used to think this encourages dependence from a young age, but it just feels natural with you. Surprisingly, dad seems to enjoy it as much as I do.
You see baby boy, you’ve changed our beliefs and our needs in such a short amount of time.
This month we started using Dockatot, a multi-functional lounger and co-sleeper. We chose the Deluxe version which is designed for babies 0-8 months. You fit into it perfectly at 2 months and I’m already dreading the day you grow out of this.
Before we started using the Dockatot, co-sleeping felt awkward on our bed. Even if we tried to place you safely in the middle, you would somehow slide down or roll over to dad’s side. It never truly felt safe. Once we began using this, you stay put and sleep soundly without moving around or rolling over to one side. The padding feels soft, breathable and natural against our skin.
I really love this product as you do. In your first month, you slept in a Graco Pack-n-play which never looked too comfortable for sleeping. I wish I used the Dockatot sooner when you were born so you can sleep right in between mommy and daddy to make those late night breastfeeding sessions easier.
I’m still unsure when we will stop co-sleeping with you. As of now, it feels natural for the three of us and I plan to enjoy every day of being close to you.
I can’t believe it’s already been two months since you were born. Time is flying by again! You may only be 2 months young but you have already changed our lives forever. Just ask your sisters who are madly in love with you. Thanks to you Declan, our family is finally complete.
Why I love the Dockatot
For those of you who are interested, Dockatot is designed in Sweden and handmade in Europe. The moment you open the box, you can immediately tell its high quality material and craftsmanship. It’s made of all natural, breathable, 100% cotton and provides perfect micro-climate for babies and tots. The cover is machine washable and easy to maintain.
As soon I received mine I took off the cover, washed it with mild detergent in cold cycle and let it hang dry. Simple to use and easy to maintain, perfect for busy moms who already have enough laundry to do.
I chose the white one because I wanted a neutral color that can go with anything. Baby D has been spitting up a lot these days so I’ve been using muslin blankets to protect the cover to avoid having to wash it so much. So far it’s been working out great and I really love co-sleeping, playing and lounging around with him in the Dockatot. I use it on our bed, on the floor and in the living room, basically all over the house–and can honestly say this is one of our most used baby item thus far.
I really cannot recommend this product enough. It made our playtime and bedtime routine so much easier and this would make a perfect baby shower gift for any new parent.
If you’d like to purchase the Dockatot, click here for a $10 off coupon. I’m certain you will love it as much as I do. You can find more 100% organic clothing from Finn + Emma on their website.
He is so adorable! Babies are such a blessing! And it sounds like your family is doing really well.
Xx, Emily
He is so cute! We never did cosleeping, but this seems like it would be a helpful product!
What a doll! It’s amazing how quickly it goes, isn’t it!?
It really is amazing how fast it flies. I’m soaking in every moment!
my cousin has a dockatot! i’ve been pretty impressed. it looks so cozy for baby!
This is my first time using it and I’m so in love! Makes parenting so much easier.
Thanks for this post. I’ve been seeing Dockatot a lot lately and I’m super intrigued. I wonder if it’s too late to get one now that my baby is 6 months though…
No they have a grand version for older toddlers! It really helped my son from 2 months, he could’ve definitely used it since the newborn stage. Even for 6 months I think it’ll be good for naps, lounging and co-sleeping! I really can’t rave about this product enough..
How precious is he! I love your photography and your decor style, the neutrals are so dreamy and the light that comes into your space too!
your sweet little child! I’m sure your enjoying every moment you spent with your little one. I love this post. ❤️
I am. Thank you Dianne! Just soaking in every moment and enjoying those tiny hands and feet.