
Three Simple Tips For A Leaner Body


fage-yogurt_0002Whether or not you’re a believer of New Year’s Resolutions, I’m certain many of you made promises to make positive changes in your lifestyle in 2018. How are things going? Are your health and fitness goals being met or do you need a little push?

To me, being lean and skinny are different. Not everyone has a skinny body type, in fact most of us don’t, but everyone can be leaner with an improved diet and healthier lifestyle. This means avoiding unnecessary sugar and processed foods, being active, cutting out sodas and satisfying our sweet tooth with healthier options.

I’ve always led a generally healthy lifestyle since I became a mom. 

For me, the keyword is moderation, and I follow the 80/20 rule where I try to eat healthy 80% of the time and allow myself some room for sweets 20% of the time.

It has served me well overall, because I’m now back to my pre-pregnancy weight at 18 months postpartum and feel a good amount of energy despite being a busy working mom of three.

Three Simple Tips For A Leaner Body


I get many questions from readers who are curious about how I stay fit and lean with three kids so in this post, I want to share my three simple tips for a leaner body in 2018.

1. Curb your ice cream cravings with all-natural yogurt

During my pregnancy I ate a pint of ice cream everyday. Yes a pint! It was too much but I couldn’t stop eating it. This caused me to gain over 45 lbs which made postpartum weight loss even harder. Once I gave birth, I traded my ice cream cravings with low fat yogurt with a hint of sweetness, just enough to curb my cravings.

Once I gave birth, I traded my ice cream cravings with yogurt with a hint of sweetness, just enough to curb my cravings.

FAGE Total 0% Split Cups are a good choice because it’s an all-natural Greek strained yogurt with delicious fruit toppings such as raspberry, peach and blueberry. Thanks to the fruit flavor, it’s perfectly sweet with only 11g of sugar yet decadent enough to be a delicious and satisfying choice of dessert.

2. Choose nutritional snacks that are easy for on-the-go


I found that I end up eating unhealthy snacks when I’m hungry with limited option for healthier choices. What’s great about the FAGE Total Split Cup is that its quick and easy for on-the-go use, making it the perfect option for a protein-rich breakfast, snack or dessert anywhere, any time even I’m busy in the home office. 

What’s great about the FAGE Total Split Cup is that its quick and easy for on-the-go use, making it the perfect option for a protein-rich breakfast, snack or dessert anywhere, any time, even when I’m busy in the home office. 

FAGE Total Split Cup 0% contains 13g of protein in the raspberry fruit variety and only 110 calories. It’s also fat free, gluten-free and a great source of calcium even for vegetarians. The best part of all, it’s easy, hassle-free and delicious, all you need to pack is a spoon and you’re ready to go! If you’re looking for something heartier, split cups also come in whole milk and 2% fat varieties.

3. Curb your soda cravings with sparkling water

And lastly, cut out soda altogether from your diet. I used to love coke and couldn’t stop drinking a cup or two a day which was bad for weight loss and my overall health. Even though I tried to drink more water instead, I found myself craving the crisp and refreshing carbonation of sodas.

Once I started drinking sparkling water, I found myself craving sodas less and less. Eventually sodas began tasting too artificial and sweet for my liking. Today I’m happy to share that I haven’t drank soda in over 3 years.


And that’s it! As you can see, you don’t have to deprive yourself of all things sweet and satisfying to stay fit, healthy and lean. 

By simply replacing one craving with another choice that is more nutritional and just as satisfying, you can get closer to your health and wellness goal for a happier you!

What do you think about my tips? Do you have tips for a fit lifestyle as a busy mom? Please let me know in the comments below!

To learn more about FAGE Total Split Cups, check out their website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter


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One thought on “Three Simple Tips For A Leaner Body

  1. Great ways to work on staying fit. I am not able to diet because of health issues but these are definitely all within my wheel house. I wonder if you could freeze the yogurt to make it more of an ice cream consistency. I will have to try that. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

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