
Dear Baby D: One Month Update

Dear Baby D,

It’s funny; I never knew you were written in the stars for me. When the pregnancy test came back positive, I looked at your dad in awe and exclaimed, “how could this be?” Your entrance into the world took the entire family by surprise, although we soon knew that you were a huge blessing from heaven.

When we found out you were a boy, everyone was elated especially your dad. After two beautiful daughters I think he secretly wished for you, although neither of us were aware of this hidden desire of the heart.

Then I saw you for the first time and thought Oh there you are. 

It’s as if I always knew you, as if we were designed to be together in this world even before this lifetime. It wasn’t a surprise like I had originally thought. Instead it was a long overdue greeting, a familiar hello of two conjoined hearts.

It’s as if I always knew you, as if we were designed to be together in this world even before this lifetime. It wasn’t a surprise like I had originally thought. Instead it was a long overdue greeting, a familiar hello of two conjoined hearts.

Often things don’t make sense until that moment- that very moment when all that is tangled and intricate unravels, when the universe clicks into place in an instant.

Your birth was just that for me.

Here are some photos, most of which are taken by me. Your first month passed by so fast in a sleepless but blissful blur. I was still recovering from childbirth so I was only able to get what I could but I did my best, knowing your precious first month is one that I’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Happy one month baby boy. Thank you for coming into my life.

First look


First time meeting your sisters
First foot print

First 24 hours at the hospital



First day at home



First week



First time sleeping in your crib



First bath with daddy




One month milestone mini shoot

Personalized name blanket by Hip Hip gifts + Hand knitted hat by Natalya1905 





Weight: 9 lbs and 22 inches at 2 week check up. You’re probably bigger now.

You are currently feeding every 3 hours and waking up at least 3 times a night. We had two outings, once to a wedding and once to Sunday lunch at week 4. You were such a good baby, sleeping most of the time and waking up once to feed. We let you sleep, eat and play on demand.

Your maternal grandpa and auntie flew in from Seattle to see you this weekend. As expected, it was love at first sight. You are such a good baby and the whole family can’t wait to watch you grow. You are so loved and your sisters love having you as their baby brother.

We’re so glad you’re here. Thank you for completing our family.


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7 thoughts on “Dear Baby D: One Month Update

  1. I love this – Declan will treasure this. My parents had a journal (I was first born) and it had my feeding times, just notes for my mom to reference. My dad would occasionally write in it with things I liked or funny things I’d say. I treasure the time they took in it so I know that Declan will treasure these letters to him! xx

    1. That’s so great to know Diana. I never had a chance to this with my first two kids because first, I was a new mom and completely lost in motherhood and the second time because I was busy chasing a toddler. Finally I have some time and energy to cherish each moment. I really hope my son appreciates this one day too!

  2. What a precious boy, Angela! I loved your sweet letter to him. I adore all of these pictures (literally squeeling!) but the one with your daughters meeting him in the hospital just melted my heart!

    1. Thanks Shahla! I tried my best to get as many photos as I can even while I was recovering. Looking back I’m so glad I did because it really flew by! Be sure to get tons of photos with your little one too one day! 😉

  3. He is such a beautiful little boy.My LG is turning One month tomorrow and Im feeling sorta emotional with the way time is flying.I kind of wish time could stand still for a moment longer.*I just discovered your blog as I was searching for One Month Baby updates*Love your blog,and will be following your amazing journey closely 🙂 xxx

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