
All About Hair Extensions

Hair extensions were once reserved for celebrities and other famous figures but thanks to the rise of social media, blogs and Pinterest, hair extensions have become more mainstream. I used to see celebrities, bloggers and social media influencers’ Pinterest worthy hair and wonder how they manage to have such beautiful, full and luscious hair.

Today I know that hair extensions is the industry’s best kept secret to perfect hair.

Professional Tape In Hair Extensions

Tape In Hair Extensions review

Natural-looking hair extension

Until I tried out my first set of hair extensions, I thought there was no way I can maintain and manage having extensions especially considering my busy lifestyle. The popular stereotypes of hair extensions being too costly and high-maintenance prevented me from even trying until I began to meet more “average” moms who boast natural-looking hair with extensions.

Today I know that hair extensions is a lifestyle that’s obtainable by anyone- even average women like me and you.

Tape In Hair Extensions: Before and after

Tape In Hair Extensions before & after

Why I decided to try tape in hair extensions

My hair has always been on the finer side but I never had problems with hair/volume loss until I had my third baby. I, like many other mothers, experienced postpartum hair loss during my baby’s first year and my hair just never full recovered. I tried everything from biotin infused shampoos, collagen powder to daily vitamins for hair/nails but my hair just never looked or felt the same.

My hair became so thin that I felt self-conscious to put it into a ponytail or a bun. In fact, I simply stopped exploring with different hairstyles because it only looked normal when it’s curled and styled. After struggling with loss of hair and volume for some time and feeling discouraged from home remedies that didn’t work, I decided to look into hair extensions.

Once I began my research, I was shocked at how many different methods and brands are on the market. As a result, I felt lost, confused and didn’t know where to start— which is why I want to provide realistic guidelines and expectations for people like me.

My Experience With Extensionology Tape In Hair Extensions

There are many different ways to install hair extensions such as individuals keratin glue, beaded I tips, sewed in or beaded wefts, Tape-in extensions, and temporary clip-on extensions.  

Extensionology review

I personally chose to use the tape in by Extensionology for the following reasons.

1) I’m not good at doing my own hair which means I won’t be comfortable doing my own clip on hair extensions. Plus clipping a piece no matter how seamless in the back is a challenge.

2) I wanted something natural and long lasting yet easy to remove.

3) I wanted to choose a brand that uses top quality real human hair that is durable, healthy and natural looking.

4) I wanted to invest in a product that delivered long lasting results

Desired look: natural volume enhancement with highlights

Extensionology honest review

I wanted a style that’s natural and lived-in, nothing too long and high maintenance and suitable for my busy lifestyle. For this look I needed 3 packs of Tape-in extensions and each pack contains 8 single pieces. Usually tape-in extensions are sandwiched into one, where 8 single pieces would create 4 total.

However, the great thing about Extensionology is that you can use each piece individually or as a pair which allows you to control hair density.

Extensionology before & after

As you can see from the before and after photo, there is a clear difference between the two hair styles. My hair is now fuller with more volume. You can also see how naturally and seamlessly the extensions blend in with my natural hair.

Unless I point it out, no one will be able to tell that I have hair extensions. I also like the fact that I can enhance my natural highlights by using extensions.

The process of hair extension installation

*Wait 2 weeks to color match if you get your hair colored.

The process of hair extension installation is pretty simple. If you get your hair colored like me, make sure you wait about 2 weeks before matching your hair to the extensions to make sure you’re at your permanent color as hair color can fade and lighten over time.

Then the stylist will install the hair extension one at a time until you reach your desired volume and length. Once you’re satisfied you style it like you would your natural hair and it’s done. It’s that simple!

Just be sure to carve out about 2-3 hours of your time.

What to look for when considering hair extensions

Applying hair extensions on head

1. Find a qualified hair extension stylist

It’s imperative to consult with a hair extension stylist who is properly trained and certified. You can call Extensionology (213-905-3452) to find out if there’s a stylist nearby your city. 

2. Find high quality extensions

Before you make your appointment, confirm the type of hair they use. Ideally, you should be using 100% cuticle intact human hair. This is because non-cuticle intact hair is usually acid and silicone dipped, which unfortunately is common in the industry. This is scary to think about, which is why I reiterate that you should do your thorough research before investing in the product and service.

Confirm the process of tape removal. Some brands will ask that you re-tape on top of the old tape which is not ideal as this will lead to extreme bulkiness on the scalp.

Visit a salon that has the swatch and compare it to the exact color you will be installing.

Things to consider for tape-in hair extensions

After having hair extensions in for almost 3 months, I feel comfortable to share my personal and honest review.

Things to consider for tape-in hair extensions

What can you expect from having hair extensions?

  • It enhance your natural hair to make your hair look fuller and healthier.
  • It’s fast and easy to install and relatively easy to maintain.
  • There’s flexibility to match hair color if color is changed.
  • There’s flexibility to change lengths and volume as desired.
  • It’s easy to maintain and style as long as you shampoo your roots more carefully and avoid using oil products to your roots.
  • There’s little damage to your natural hair as long as it’s installed by a certified professional.
  • It’s not bothersome once you get used to the extensions.

Type of commitment required

  • You need to move up the hair every 1.5 to 2 months depending on how fast your hair grows. I found mine grows pretty fast- I have to reinstall every 6-7 weeks.
  • You need to be more careful when washing and styling your hair.
  • High quality extensions can be costly up to hundreds of dollars. I have invested in two sets- total of 7 packs. My stylist keeps the hair extension I’m not using and refreshes the hair for my next use. This way I can get new set of refreshed Hair Extensions installed upon my revisit and removal.  It an investment- but I compare it to getting gel nails and lash extensions. It enhances your overall look and builds confidence by resolving problem areas.
  • Be sure to look for a qualified hair extension specialist to avoid a bad extension job.
  • Be sure to visit your hair stylist regularly; long term overgrowth can start weighing down the hair extensions. I visit my stylist every 6-8 weeks.

Overall review of Extensionology hair extensions

review of Extensionology hair extensions

Overall, I’m very satisfied with wearing Extensionology hair extensions despite the fact that it requires more maintenance and cost because it makes me so much happier!

Postpartum hair loss was a problem I struggled with daily, and maintaining my natural hair was even more work than now because of my lack of volume. Sometimes I had to wash it more even though its drying because my hair was always so limp and flat. It got so bad to the point that even my husband noticed my lack of hair (which is saying a lot- considering the fact that my husband is a typical guy who doesn’t really notice these things.)

Even with the extra commitments, I’m so much happier with hair extensions. It allows me to spend less time styling and more time living life. My hair is now easier to maintain and style and I can finally experiment with different hairstyles I’ve always dreamed about whether it’s glamorous waves, bohemian braids or a simple bun.

Did you enjoy my in-depth review? What else would you like to know about hair extensions?

Extensions by Extensionology
Hair bows by Henningsen & co.

All about hair extensions with before & after

Please leave your comments and questions below so I can address them as I plan to share more information with you guys. Thank you for reading and be sure to check out Extensionology for your extension needs!

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11 thoughts on “All About Hair Extensions

  1. Thanks for sharing this. Been thinking about getting extensions and was not sure on how to put them on. Your hair looks so much fuller with the extensions.

  2. Your hair looks great! I tried hair extensions out for a wedding once and I really liked them. Unfortunately, I’m not a great candidate for hair extensions because my hair is mixed and multiple colors…it’s hard to match!

  3. I’ve been debating getting extensions for so long! I’m not sure that I’d have the patience/commitment to care for the tape-in extensions though, which is the one thing that stops me. They do look amazing though on you, so I’m still considering it!

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