
80’s Father Daughter Dance

Last week, the girls attended a 80’s Father Daughter Dance. I wasn’t invited (boo, I realize I won’t ever be able to go to these dances) but had a lot of fun putting together their outfits and taking pictures.

After a trip to Ross (tons of leopard shirts and colors!) and Party City, their outfit was complete.

Bringing back the scrunchies, poofy skirts, neon colors and 80’s rockstar attitude.

80's Father Daughter Dance

80's Father Daughter Dance

80's Father Daughter Dance

80's Father Daughter Dance

80's Father Daughter Dance

80's Father Daughter Dance

I hear they had Baskin Robbins and danced to Bruno Mars. Another priceless father-daughter memory made. I played Fairy Godmother on this day and it was enough. 🙂

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