
Family Friendly Bug Control With Zevo Spray

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Zevo Insect Spray

I love my suburban family life. Even though I love visiting cities when I travel, I’ve always been a suburban girl at heart. I’m thankful to live in a family friendly city in Southern California with large wide streets, safe community parks and spacious backyards with plenty of sunshine and space to grow trees and plants. The downside of such suburban life however, is that keeping my home protected from bugs is a challenge, especially during warmer spring and summer months.

Staying Bug Free With Zevo Insect Spray

I currently own many trees and plants in the backyard including a lemon tree, rose garden and other fragrant flowers and trees, which means we are frequently visited by unwanted insects such fruit flies, flies, gnats to occasional ants, spiders and even wasps and yellow jackets in my patio. With my children constantly outside, avoiding any kind of stinging insect is important to me.

Something else that’s important to me is using a bug spray that I feel good about. Unfortunately, many bug killers are packed with chemicals that are dangerous to both children and pets. This is why Zevo sprays are so impressive. They offer pest control that is effective and safe. It kills bugs and insects, not people or pets. In addition, these control sprays are free of chemical insecticides. Check out my video below to learn more about safe insect control in your home.

Zevo Instant Action Spray

Zevo Insect Spray review

Thanks to Zevo Insect Action Spray and Insect Trap, I’m able to keep my home protected from unwanted insects all year round without using harmful insecticides.

What I love about Zevo is that it offers different sprays for different types of insects such as flying insects, crawling insects and stinging insects. They are made with common essential oils such as cinnamon oil, lemongrass oil and geraniol which makes them safe to use around people and pets. The Zevo formula kills insects by targeting nervous system receptors. Which are active only in insects, not us or our fur babies!

Zevo Insect Action Spray

The Zevo Instant Action Sprays are simple to use and are designed to work inside any room of your home like kitchen floors, dining rooms, bathrooms, garages, bedrooms, living rooms, basements- anywhere insects are visible. The sprays eliminate an insect on contact and you can also spray preventatively on hard surfaces like tile, wood floors, window sills and door frames.

The insect spray can get a little slippery so be careful when using it around kids and pets.

Zevo Flying Insect Trap

The Zevo Flying Insect Trap works alongside the sprays for full home protection. The traps can be plugged in any outlet where insects are visible without a competing light source. It continuously attracts and eliminates flying insects to eliminate the bugs you don’t always see.

This insect trap uses body heat bio-selective attractants to attract and trap insects to its adhesive backing. The best part is that you never even have to touch where they are trapped.

Flying Insect Trap

The insect trap is great for kitchens, bathrooms and garages, but should not be placed in hallways or directly next to doors. Just be sure to change out the cartridge every 30 days.

Dog beside anti-roach spray

To purchase Zevo Insect home protection system for your own family, you can do so here. Don’t forget to use the code MOMDIARY20 to receive 20% off!

Thank you Zevo for making insect protection safe and effective with easy control sprays for families!

You can find more information about Zevo by visiting here.

Zevo sprays review

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