
My Pregnancy Update: Week 19

Week 19 began on March 7, 2016

1. Due date: August 1, 2016

2. Weight Gain: 7 lbs.

3. Symptoms: Fatigue, weird muscle pulling feeling in lower stomach, backache, shortness of breath, needing more rests in between activities, occasional headache. I think I may have felt the baby kick for the first time but I’m not sure.

4. Food Cravings: Iced coffee (I’m allowing myself one every two days), pickles, orange juice, pizza, anything salty, sour and spicy (The typical boy cravings are true for me!)

5. Food Aversions: Anything too sweet or artificial

6. Body changes: Breakouts have subsided for now, hair/nails feeling better after much needed beauty treatments. My new stylist did an awesome job with freshening up my hair with balayage without coloring my roots. I love it!

(How come I never knew there was no need to change base color until now?)


7. Belly shape: Pointy, with #1 and #2 it was round.

8. Emotions: We found out we’re having a boy! After two girls we are excited but also worried how we’re going to do this. I don’t know a thing about baby boys (yet).

9. Looking forward to: Starting light exercise again. Still haven’t hit the gym since finding out I’m pregnant. I feel tired and weak, I hope to find the motivation to go next week.

10. Biggest difference between baby 1, baby 2, and baby 3: It’s weird but the reality of having another baby isn’t settling in yet. I wonder why I’m feeling like this. I’m excited and anxious, happy and worried. Husband and kids have been wonderful, taking care of me and helping around the house.

11. Currently shopping for: 

Nothing. I don’t have a single baby item yet.

How I’m Feeling At 19 Weeks

Why is it taking so long the reality of this pregnancy to settle? It comes and goes, comes and goes. I still wake up in the morning and forget that I’m pregnant until my stomach feels heavy and I have to slowly roll off the bed like an old lady.

So I’m having three kids….what?! I wonder how other moms do it. I hear others moms says they always knew they wanted three kids because they would look around the dinner table and feel that a child is missing. I wonder how that feels like, to think that a child who’s supposed to be there isn’t there.

I personally never had those thoughts and never felt that we were missing a child. I looked at our family and it always felt complete. I looked at our family photos and it always felt complete. I did occasionally wonder how it would be with another baby in the mix, but it was always hard to imagine and easy to shake off the thoughts.

I just had an anatomy ultrasound which confirmed that this baby is a boy. After two girls we are very excited but also a little anxious. My husband too, feels the same and we both talk about how much we miss our daughters small. It was hard but such wonderful years and it’s sad knowing those years will never come back.

I think we’re excited for this new baby and also grieving the end of our family of four. Our family of dad, mom and our two beautiful daughters, the dynamic duo. We had so much fun together, traveled to so many places together and created countless priceless memories in the past 11 years.

Now that this is our third child, I think we know what to expect. We know too well how challenging those early sleepless nights and tantrum filled toddler years will be. We also know this is going to change our entire family dynamic, and that we won’t be able to do certain things like eating out at nicer restaurants and traveling to faraway places for at least a few years.

I’ll also miss having my alone time to read and write. I’ve never had a nanny or put my kids in daycare, wondering if I should do this with the third child? Hmm.

The miracle of life never ceases to amaze me. It’s still hard to imagine who our little man is going to be like (mom? dad? both?), how he will look and what kind of joy he will bring to our family. Despite these uncertainties, our family of four is slowly preparing for the birth of this new baby. And no matter what, we’re certain he’ll be happy he joined our home.

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