
Self-Quarantine Essentials

Coronavirus, social distancing, and self-quarantine. These are probably the three most-used terms this past week throughout the world. Our schools have been shut down. So many people are working from home, and families are stocking up on essentials.

While many are having mixed reactions about our current situation, one thing is for sure: stress and anxieties are at an all time high. Seeing this feeling of overwhelm in so many moms has caused me to reflect on how I can offer helpful advice during this confusing time. So I’ve decided to share some social distancing essentials for parents that can make the next few months more manageable. 

social distancing essentials

This week was the first few days of school closures. So I’m not going to lie, it started off quite rocky. The day began with meltdowns, complaining, and chaos. I have four children, one of which is a newborn, who suddenly are thrown out of their normal routine.

Then I quickly realized that this is not anything like summer or holiday break. No, those breaks begin with slow mornings and continue into lazy days filled with sporadic activities. So practicing social distancing with school-aged children is not that.

We now have our normal parenting duties, work duties, and monitoring virtual classroom time. Laundry? Let’s not even go there. I know moms and dads everywhere are, for lack of a better term, losing their sh**. 

social distancing essentials

6 Tips for Social Distancing Stress Relief

Instead of playing into the panic, let’s all take a deep breath and use this time in a positive way. The first step to making it through this time of social distancing is taking care of ourselves. We can’t forget to squeeze in time to settle our nerves, take care of our bodies, and block out the noise.

When we do this, our minds will be at ease, our patience will be reset, and our families will feel our sense of calm. So here are several social distancing essentials that will be realistic and helpful for you to practice self-care daily. 

1. Prayer/meditation

There are people of all different religions, beliefs, and spirituality that read this blog. Whatever you believe in, I want you to focus on that. Make time for prayer or meditation every day, even if just for a few minutes. Moreover, waking up a few minutes early to engage in these things will get your day started off peacefully. If you are not sleeping well, a meditation before bed will work wonders.

I find that using essential oils during meditation, or anytime that I’m trying to relax, helps me to quiet my mind and relieves stress. So these are some great quality essential oil products: 

Here are some resources for guided meditations: 

2. Take a relaxing bath

Taking a warm bath is a social distancing essential that will quickly help your body relax, even if it only lasts for 15-20 minutes. Here are some of my favorite products to use before, during, and after a bath.

3. Exercise

You are most likely spending a lot of time cooped up inside your house, so getting some exercise is an important social distancing essential. In addition, keeping your body moving is good for your physical and mental health. Getting in your typical workout can be more difficult if you have children around, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. 

  • Go for a walk around the neighborhood

Even though we are practicing social distancing, you can still take a walk around the neighborhood. This is a great exercise to do as a family. 

  • Stream a home video workout 

Many local work out studios are offering free streaming workouts. So check around your town, or join a membership like Beach Body. 

  • Do yoga 

Here are some wonderful free yoga videos that you can watch on your phone or stream onto a TV. If you don’t have a yoga mat, here is one from Amazon. I also like Asana Rebel app for yoga.

  • Try this 5-minute work-out throughout your day

If you are super short on time, you can easily incorporate these exercises when you have a few minutes during your day. It’s a super quick way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. Do each exercise for one minute each. Check out for pictures and videos of each move.

  • Jumping jacks
  • Squats
  • High Knees
  • Plank Jump Backs
  • Standing Oblique Twists

4. Eat well

Being thrown out of your normal routine and hanging around the house all day can quickly lead to eating poorly. Eating foods that serve your body well will help keep you healthy, because now is definitely not a time that you want to get sick. I find that smoothies are the easiest way to get fruits, veggies, and other vitamin-rich foods into your diet.

The Vitamix is always my recommendation for a blender, and will have your smoothie ready in seconds. Below is an easy recipe that should adhere to most diet restrictions. Berries are an excellent antioxidant superfood that are a healthy addition to any smoothie. 

  • 1 cup coconut water (unsweetened, organic)
  • 1 handful of organic spinach
  • 1 cup berries (I use frozen organic mixed berries)
  • 1 banana
  • ice cubes
  • Optional: protein powder (1-2 tablespoons)

5. Read a Book

social distancing essentials

Earlier in this post, I mentioned that meditating first thing in the morning is a social distancing essential. Reading books are another great way to begin or end your day. I am an avid reader, and although life is hectic these days, I try to fit it in when I can. So here are some suggestions that you can purchase on Amazon:  

6. Journal Your Gratitude 

 The Five-Minute Journal

I try to journal things that I am grateful for daily. During times such as those that we are experiencing now, it is hard to get away from negativity from the media and other people. Writing down all the things that you can show gratitude for is a lovely way to stay in a positive mindset. I encourage you to not only think about the wonderful things that you have in your life, but actually write them down in a designated space.

It takes only five minutes, and is so worth it.  I use, and love, The Five-Minute Journal.

Here are some other options: 

I hope these social distancing essentials are valuable to you, and bring some peace to your day. Above all, show yourself some grace. This is uncharted territory, and we’re all just doing the best we can.

This post contains affiliate links that help to support the blog at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support that allows me to continue to create valuable content for families all around the world.

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