
Pregnancy Update Week 36



Now that I’m done with both the maternity shoot and baby shower, it’s time for the final stretch. I’ve entered my final month, all scheduled events are completed and it’s time to take it easy and prepare for baby boy’s arrival.

If you missed the baby shower post, you can catch up on photos and details here.

I still can’t believe how fast this pregnancy flew by. It was long and difficult (especially during the first trimester) but overall, my third pregnancy gave me a newfound appreciation for pregnancy, motherhood, and a woman’s ability to carry and bring a new life into the world. My third pregnancy feels like the real deal where I’m a lot more mature, confident and aware of all the physical, emotional and mental changes a woman faces when she becomes a mother.

It’s been difficult to keep up with these weekly pregnancy updates. Both my daughters are home for summer break and it’s still a struggle to find the right balance between blogging, spending time with the kids and taking care of our household. My body is changing fast nowadays so I’m going to try my best to document each week from here on.

Pregnancy Week 36

1. Due date: July 31 or August 1. My calculation says August 1 but Doctor says July 31.

2. Weight Gain: I’ve gained 21 pounds since the beginning of pregnancy. This is the least weight I gained in all three pregnancies (I gained 40 lbs the first time, 38 lbs the second) and I think it’s because I’m much more active now due to raising two kids. I don’t have the luxury to be lazy, take it easy and take a nap whenever I want. Whatever the reason, the baby is growing fine and I’m glad I don’t have as much pregnancy weight to shed like the first two times.

I’m gaining about one pound per week now.

3. Symptoms: Fatigue, pelvic pain, leg cramps, low dull backache, braxton hicks, tightening of abdomen, insomnia

I can handle the pelvic aches and leg cramps but this shortness of breath is really getting to me. I don’t remember how it feels to breathe freely. Sometimes I feel so full and heavy  that I feel like I can’t breathe. I hate feeling claustrophobic and my biggest fear in life is drowning. I’m feeling symptoms that mimic these situations, and it’s very unpleasant and anxiety inducing. Other than that, I can handle the rest.

4. Food Cravings: I don’t have major cravings, just trying to eat hearty and healthy meals. Mama’s home cooking was the best while I was in Seattle. I’m eating normally most of the time– lots of protein, pastas/noodles, chicken, fish, vegetables, etc. I crave occasional sweets like vanilla soft serve and donuts.

5. Food Aversions: Nothing in particular.

6. Body changes + Physical activity: Breakouts (The zit migrated from my eyebrows to my forehead now), darker pigmentation and linea negra. The itchiness under my belly has improved significantly this week. I’m not sure if it’s the coconut oil or the mama mio belly cream but a combination of these two products have been working.

I haven’t gone to the gym in 9 months and I can definitely feel my body losing the tone I worked hard to achieve. My arms, legs and butt are sagging and it’s hard to watch my body changing before my eyes. Yet I don’t feel like strenuous exercise is good for my body at this time so I plan to go back to a regular gym routine after the baby is born. Until then, I’ll just embrace my pregnant body.

7. Belly shape: Full, pointy tip and I’m carrying much much lower this time. Sometimes I feel like this baby is going to fall right out!

8. Emotions: I remember wanting my daughters to come out as soon as possible because I couldn’t wait to meet them in person. This time around, I’m hoping the baby boy bakes in there longer so he can grow more and I can rest a bit more. I know I’ll be meeting him soon so what’s the rush? I don’t know if I’ll still be saying this in a few weeks but as of now, I’m feeling patient.

9. Currently shopping for: 

I have most of the big items like crib, crib mattress, swings, pack ‘n play, car seat, stroller, etc. I just have to gather newborn essentials like small onesies, burp cloths, blankets, socks, etc. Being a third time mom, I’m afraid I’m not buying enough. I know the baby will grow fast in the first few months but he also needs lots of basics like 0-3 and 3-6 short sleeve onesies. Now only if I can gather the strength to go shopping!

How is your summer going so far? My plan for the month of July is to take it easy, stay cool and just relax and let my body take its natural course in preparation of the labor. I know I’ll need a lot of sleep and energy in the coming months so I’m really focusing on self-care, rest & relaxation. I also want to spend more quality time with my two daughters as we adjust to this major transition as a family. Feeling hopeful, grateful and blessed.

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