
From Insecure Girl To Mom Boss


Did you guys read my last post about what I learned as a mom blogger and influencer? No  matter where you are in your motherhood or career, every mom is a boss because we juggle so many roles in a single day. As mothers we’re teachers, therapists, chefs, cleaners, nurses, chauffeurs, gardeners, project managers and so much more.

Still not convinced you’re a boss? I hope this post makes you feel differently.


As a young girl and adolescent, I didn’t have much confidence. I was insecure, timid and full of worry and fear. My parents tried their best to teach me that I can do and be anything I put my mind to, but that message somehow got lost in the mix of rejections, heartbreaks and being bullied in junior high. I tried my best to mask my insecurity and fear by acting strong like I had everything under control but in reality, I was afraid that they might be right, that I was unworthy of love and success. I knew I had passion and talents to offer to the world but deep down I felt inadequate, as if true success was reserved for more beautiful and powerful people, not average people like myself.

More than two decades later, I have decided that I don’t have to settle for those feelings, and I’m now the mother of three kids. Motherhood didn’t come easily or naturally for me as evident by my past struggles with postpartum depression and raising a special needs child, but I can honestly and confidently say that I love and accept myself now more than ever, despite all the imperfections and messiness of my daily life.

secret_deodorantThe difference is that I no longer rely on outside voices or recognition to make me feel like a girl boss. I just KNOW I am. This inner knowing comes not only from overcoming numerous obstacles and rising above them, but because I know what I want to model for my tween daughters who are entering a fragile and complicated time of their life.

I know what I wasn’t as a child and teenager, and I know what I want my daughters to be and become. I know I don’t want them to grow up with the same kind of worry and insecurity about themselves and their future. Therefore, I CHOOSE to think and act like a boss and you should too – because you already are one. 

Therefore, I CHOOSE to think and act like a boss and you should too – because you already are one. 

Of course being a mother is not always easy. Throw work and family life into the mix, you get a mom who wears many hats throughout the day. Some days I play the role of a psychologist to my growing daughters who confide in me with their classroom drama, other days I play the role of a fit mom while chasing around my active toddler. Life as a mom is chaotic, messy and complicated, which is why I only use personal care products that make my life easier.

Life as a mom is chaotic, messy and complicated, which is why I only use personal care products that make my life easier.

I no longer have the time and energy for subpar products that don’t deliver what they promise, which is why Secret Clinical Strength is my number one choice for deodorant.

secret_deodorantI used Secret Deodorant as a teenager, and even now more than 20 years later as a mom of three, I still trust Secret to keep me protected on my busiest and messiest days. What I appreciate about Secret is that it’s the only deodorant brand that is exclusively dedicated to women. It’s also a product that understands that all women are strong and that we should demand more from our lives, whether from our work life, home life or even our personal care products.

As a multitasker, I don’t have the time and energy to reapply products throughout the day. Thankfully Secret Clinical Strength solves this problem because it keeps me protected on my busiest days. You can confidently use Secret Clinical Strength in Invisible Solid once for all day strong wetness protection, which gives me one less thing to worry about.


And as you know, one less worry in midst of a busy day is invaluable.

So how are you feeling today? Do you feel like a girl boss or are you struggling to fully love and accept yourself? We all have highs and lows in our lives but don’t let a low day deter you from stepping into your power. You already have everything you need to think and act like the best version of yourself.

So how are you feeling today? Do you feel like a girl boss or are you struggling to fully love and accept yourself? We all have highs and lows in our lives but don’t let a low day deter you from stepping into your power. You already have everything you need to think and act like the best version of yourself.

You already are a boss. Believe and embrace your inner strength.


Thank you Secret for understanding why more and more women are stepping into our power and demanding more. Thank you for encouraging us to stop settling for less so we can reach higher. For this reason, I’m proud to be a partner for Secret a brand that grew with me from an insecure girl to a mom boss. Click here to purchase Secret’s Clinical Strength at Target!

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One thought on “From Insecure Girl To Mom Boss

  1. What we model for our daughters is so very important. Good for you in making active choices in what that is. These days there are so many Moms who just do and don’t consider. Your daughters will benefit greatly from your thoughtfulness.

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