
Family Survival Guide During Coronavirus Social Distancing

Hi friends. Today I delay all my regular blog posts to check in with you to see how you are all doing. How are you doing? How are you feeling?

I know many of you are confused and overwhelmed as I am so I’m going to keep this brief. In this blog post, I’m going to share helpful resources and tips to keep us more balanced and organized during this uncertain time.

Here is a list of things I’m doing in my home, that I hope you will find useful as well.

How to make your family quarantine time easier

Family Survival Guide During Coronavirus Social Distancing

1. Hand washing posters around the bathrooms

Kids need visual reminders and they need to be told constantly. I’m going to tape these in every bathroom so they remember to wash their hands regularly and frequently.

A visual reminder for the whole family 

Family Survival Guide During Coronavirus Social Distancing
handwashing poster cdc

Handwashing superhero for boys

superhero handwashing for girls

Handwashing superhero for girls 

You can find more handwashing printables on CDC website

2. Print out a homeschooling schedule and stick to a routine

Here’s an example of our homeschool during social distancing.

homeschooling schedule

I really like this schedule template by Teach mama which you can find here. If you subscribe to her blog (which you should to support small businesses like hers), you’ll get a downloadable PDF via email that is fully editable and customizable.

daily homeschool schedule coronavirus

3. Use GoNoodle

The best Youtube Channel to get those sillies out at home. Best part is that it’s free and you can do it right in the middle of your livingroom! 

4. Gather resources 

Suddenly Homeschooling: Resources from Lovestalgia

100+ Preschool and Kindergarten ideas From Days With Grey

Free online reading programs From Lipgloss and Crayons

Learning In The Everyday by Teachmama

5. Setting intentions and maintaining a state of gratitude

I know it’s hard to make yourself a priority while your routine is turned upside down overnight but we got this parents! If you’re struggling to get through your day, tell yourself that you are in this alongside millions of other parents across the world. 

1. 10 minutes every morning: As soon as you wake up in the morning, fill your mind and soul with positive thoughts. Whether you read the bible, meditate, journal or simply close your eyes in silence, dedicate 10 minutes every morning to yourself.

2. Gratitude list with your kids: List 5 things you’re grateful for. Have all your kids do the same. For the little ones who can’t yet write, have them share it with you and the rest of the family.

3. Find ways to make yourself a priority even without leaving your house.

4. Replace I “should” with “I get to”: Example “I should start dinner now. ” vs “I get to start dinner now.” “

Our mind is a powerful tool. Reframe your sentences so they align you to a higher state of mind. If you find yourself speaking negatively about your situation, reframe that and make it positive. 

6. Connect with your community

Connect with your friends and family via FaceTime and social media.

Social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. Thankfully we have numerous ways to stay connected including text, FaceTime and social media.

Use it intentionally and mindfully during this time to avoid feelings of isolation. 

homeschooling schedule

I will keep adding to this post as I find more ideas and tips to make our next month more enjoyable. Yes I said enjoyable- I’m actually looking forward to this challenge!

How are you preparing for the month long social distancing? Leave your comments and thoughts below! 

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7 thoughts on “Family Survival Guide During Coronavirus Social Distancing

  1. Totally agree on all the points. especially about state of gratitude and keeping touch with communitiEs

  2. Tha I you for these tips to survive social Distancing. I had forgotten everything about Go noodle and haven’t been using a schedule, but I think I will need to start doing so.

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